What Would You Be Reincarnated As? – Test Yourself


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When most people outside of Asia think of Buddhism, they think of philosophy and meditation. Buddhists are frequently accused of not having gods, wars, or empires. Their religion isn’t about rituals or beliefs, but rather about a focused investigation into what causes suffering and how to end it via meditation and compassion. Although there is some truth to this image, Buddhists and Buddhist scholars have worked for decades to demonstrate that it is primarily false, or at best only partially correct. The Buddhism that non-Buddhists are familiar with today is a late-nineteenth-and-early-twentieth-century construct rather than an accurate depiction of its past.

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This modernized Buddhism was produced at the time by Buddhists and their sympathizers. They removed portions of Buddhist history that did not conform to the logical, scientific mindset that followed colonization and modernization. In a remarkable feat of historical reinvention, Buddhism transformed itself from a degraded other to an exalted savior in a span of decades. Also, you must try to play this What Would You Be Reincarnated As quiz.

What Would You Be Reincarnated As?

While there is much to be said about colonial forces driving such alterations, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with Indigenous minds reconstructing their religions. Religions are constantly reinventing themselves in response to both internal and external changes. What Buddhists like D T Suzuki did was similar to what Martin Buber did for Judaism, Paul Tillich did for Christianity, Muhammad Iqbal did for Islam, and Swami Vivekananda did for Hinduism.

All of these intellectuals reverted to components of their traditions in order to construct a more modern version of their faith. They also skillfully refuted outsiders’ assertions about their inferiority. Buddhists were exceedingly successful in this country, particularly in the eyes of non-Buddhists, for whom Buddhism became the model of modern, scientific religion. Indeed, they were so successful that Buddhism is now commonly described as a philosophy that anybody, regardless of religious affiliation, may embody.

This accomplishment, however, has come at a price. At the very least, it has shaped outsiders’ perceptions of Buddhism, such as when Tibetan studies researcher Robert Thurman referred to Tibetans as “the baby seals of the human rights movement.”

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At worst, it has provided cover for Buddhist atrocities in nations such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka. It has also had a negative impact on individuals who practice modern Buddhism. Today’s critics decry ‘McMindfulness,’ a popular version of mindfulness that, rather than alleviating pain and delusion, exacerbates both by convincing people that they can do whatever harm they want as long as they meditate once a day. You will get the answer what would you be reincarnated as.

According to the philosopher Slavoj iek, this means that Buddhism’s instruction to ‘let things go’ and focus on your breathing amounts to letting go of battling against all of the world’s brutality and injustice. By focusing on the present moment of your own breath or body posture, you may find yourself feeling at ease in a world full of disease and catastrophe.

People who want to truly comprehend Buddhism in all of its complexities should spend time in Buddhist countries (not only monasteries), learn ancient and current languages, and read the writings of scholars from all over the world who provide a more complete history of Buddhism and Buddhists. However, for people who are only interested in the contemporary, cleaned-up version of Buddhism and wish to avoid the issues of modern Buddhism – both in terms of its ignorance of history and its present-day politics — I would advise them to take reincarnation seriously.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
what would you be reincarnated as
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