Which Ninja Are You? – Personality Quizzes


Take this which Ninja are you quiz to test which ninja are you? Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

The ranks and classes of ninja fighters existed as a required hierarchy to transfer commands from high to low and guarantee missions were fulfilled. Orders were often issued by the highest rank or class, the Jonin. These orders would cascade down the hierarchy until they reached the base level when the Genin would carry out the essential assignment or duty.

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The Ninja chain of command served several reasons other than executing a successful mission. The chain between the ninja classes allowed identities to be kept hidden, keeping people safe from the consequences of the Ninja’s activities. To do this, the classes conducting duties or missions were never permitted to communicate with the higher powers. In this way, if a mission goes astray and a ninja is captured during a mission, the Jonin can be kept safe from harm, ensuring the survival of the Ninja’s ways. Also, you will find out which Ninja are you in this quiz.

Which Ninja are you?

The Ninja warrior classes were divided into three groups: the high-ranking Jonin, the intermediate man, the Chunin, and the lower man, the Genin.

Lower Man – Genin
The lowest level in the ninja class, but only in the chain of command. The Genin were highly trained ninjas who could perform incredible feats of stealth and espionage. The Genin have trained the skills of the Ninja from childhood, knowing that one day they would be called to action. Whether called upon to carry out an assassination, gather information, or conduct research, the Genin were more than capable of abandoning their everyday routines and springing into action.

In their daily lives, the Genin, on the other hand, often filled customary responsibilities in the community. Farmers, teachers, and tradesmen, the Genin would even take up roles in enemy territory, undertaking espionage from within their adversaries’ domain.

About the quiz

Chunin – The Middleman
The Chunin served as a go-between for the Jonin and the Genin in the system. While the Jonin made the required judgments to defend the community, the Chunin served as the Jonin’s point of contact. Once the Chunin had been informed of the task, they would proceed to the grassroots level and assign the mission to an appropriate Genin.

Upper Man – Jonin
The Jonin, the highest of the Ninja fighter ranks and classes, was at the top of the ninja food chain. The Jonin’s job was essentially that of a clan or family leader, in charge of the major choices that needed to be made. The Jonin acted on behalf of the community, determining what action was required, how it should be performed, and what the consequences and ultimate effects of these acts would be.

In summary, the Ninja Classes, and Ranks

The Ninja grades and ranks allowed the ninja to successfully split their tasks; the Jonin handled the thinking, the Chunin assigned the duty, and the Genin, free of thought, could simply carry out the mission using their years of training. This chain of command also provided the ninjas with security if the Genin failed to complete their task.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
which ninja are you
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