Weeb Test – Are You A Weeb? – Personality Quizzes


Take this Weeb test to find out if you are a weeb. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

If you’ve spent any time online, particularly on Reddit or Twitter, you’ve most likely come across the terms “weeaboo” or “weeb.” Usually, they’re aimed with derision at Twitter or Facebook users who upload photographs of their anime figure collection.

Weeaboo may sound like some exotic Asian worm, but it has a long history and baggage that weighs more than an FA-78 Full Armor Gundam, which first appeared in volume one of Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt and was later adapted… Sorry, I blacked out for a second there. Let’s get back on track.

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A weeaboo is a type of geek who is obsessively interested in Japanese pop culture. Their existence is mostly supported by anime, manga, and video games, which can be off-putting to others, to say the least.

You know the type: foreigners who want to become Japanese because they’ve fallen so far down the rabbit hole. They can be seen mispronouncing Japanese terms, dressing up like anime characters, and worshiping Japan without understanding anything about it other than what they’ve seen in anime. Also, you must try to play this Weeb test.

Weeb test

In a nutshell, they’re vexing.

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, anime such as Akira and Bubblegum Crisis began to make their way into the West via fan-made bootleg VHS cassettes that were traded about.

This clandestine tape trading resulted in a slew of die-hard devotees. When titles like Dragonball, Sailor Moon, and Pokémon were translated and aired on TV in Western countries in the mid-1990s, a new generation of anime fans was born.

As the internet became a more common aspect of people’s life, anime spread to an even larger audience.

Anime enthusiasts might watch hundreds of titles on demand without the constraints of domestic television thanks to fansubs and translations, which are now freely available from a plethora of dubious legality sites.

Japanese pop culture has become firmly entrenched as a trendy item by the early 2000s.

Watching anime does not turn you become a jerk. In some circles, this would be taken for granted. Nonetheless, I’ve had to defend myself numerous times against such an insult. Since before I was in elementary school, I’ve been watching anime (Japanese animation) and reading manga (Japanese comic books). However, I consider myself a former weeb, someone who saw the light and changed his ways.

About the quiz

But, before I get into that epiphany, what exactly is a weeb? Weeb is an abbreviation for weeaboo, a disparaging word for persons who are infatuated with Japan and ostensibly Japanese culture. The term originated in a comic strip, where it was used as a meaningless gag that meant nothing. So, how did a meaningless term become an insult?

This is where the internet enters the picture. In the early 2000s, members of the online imageboard community 4chan began labeling a subset of Japanophiles as “wapanese” – a combination of “want to be” and “Japanese.” It was a slur directed primarily at white individuals who were fascinated with Japanese culture to the point of losing their own, such as those who would dress up as anime characters for a formal function or who would incorporate Japanese idioms into everyday English discourse.

So many debates erupted over the word that 4chan administrators decided to step in and replace all instances of “wapanese” with the aforementioned gibberish word “weeaboo.”

For more personality quizzes check this: How Evil Are You Quiz.

Written By:

Ralph Kilpatrick

Meet Ralph Kilpatrick, a dedicated anime enthusiast and a masterful quiz author with a talent for crafting intriguing questions that celebrate the magic of Japanese animation. Born and raised in the United States, Ralph's love for anime and its captivating storytelling has driven him to become your trusted guide in this journey through the anime universe.
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