Which White Christmas Character Are You?


Take this Which White Christmas Character Are You quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

On Christmas Eve 1944, the picture begins. Captain Bob Wallace (Bing Crosby) and Private First Class Phil Davis (Danny Kaye) put on a show for the 151st Division to celebrate the reassignment of their beloved commanding officer, Major General Thomas F. Waverly, in the midst of the war in Europe (Dean Jagger). Bob is a well-known Broadway performer, whilst Phil is a budding performer. Waverly enters with his replacement just as the show is about to close and expresses gratitude to his guys for their good wishes.

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A few moments later, the entire unit is obliged to take cover in order to avoid an enemy aerial bombing run. A half-demolished building begins to crumble, but Bob is too preoccupied with instructing his workers to notice. Phil leaps into action and knocks Bob out of the way, saving the singer’s life. Phil’s arm is broken, but he lives. Bob pays a visit to Phil in the field hospital a few days later to convey his gratitude. Phil invites Bob to perform as a duet with him on a song he wrote before. Bob hesitantly agrees because Phil has saved his life. Also, you must try to play this Which White Christmas Character Are You quiz.

Which White Christmas Character Are You?

Wallace and Davis are tremendously successful Broadway entertainers whose theater show supports an army of personnel a few years later, after the war. The two men have been working nonstop for years and are starting to tire from the regular shows. However, despite Phil’s desire for some downtime, Bob keeps the action going. Their attention is constantly being drawn in a variety of areas. The couple receives a letter from one of their former army comrades, who begs them to go over his sisters’ performance and see if they can provide any suggestions. They travel to a neighborhood club to see Betty and Judy Haynes’ (Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen) singing show. Phil notices that Bob has a crush on Betty, while he has a crush on Judy. The Haynes sisters join Bob and Phil at their table after their performance. Phil and Judy get along wonderfully, but Bob and Betty don’t, and they get into a disagreement after Bob says that everyone in show business has an angle.

Judy and Betty are arranging a holiday performance at an inn in Vermont, but a conflict with their landlord has led to a sheriff’s search for the girls. While Bob and Phil do a parody of their routine to distract the sheriff, Phil gives the girls the boys’ train tickets. Bob and Phil catch up with the girls on the train, and Bob grudgingly agrees to accompany Betty and Judy to Pine Tree, Vermont, to see the snow.

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When the company arrives in Pine Tree, they discover that there is no snow, and, more crucially, there are no visitors at the Inn. However, Bob and Phil are astonished to realize that the Inn is owned by General Waverly. Waverly insists on paying the Haynes Sisters and wants them to perform for him, his granddaughter Susan (Anne Whitfield), and his housekeeper Emma Allen (Mary Wickes). Emma informs Bob and Phil that the General is unable to pay the Haynes Sisters and keep the Inn operating. Bob devises a scheme to put on a full Wallace and Davis concert at the Inn, complete with the Haynes Sisters in the act. Bob believes that a Wallace and Davis program would attract a large audience, which would benefit the General’s financial predicament.

Soon later, Bob and Phil bring their complete band up to Pine Tree. They begin rehearsals for the show, but Bob remains interested in Betty and vice versa. Meanwhile, Bob learns that the General has asked to rejoin the service, but the Army has respectfully declined his request. Bob notices that the General is straining to develop a new identity outside of the military. Bob comes up with the idea of recruiting military unit members to come and show their respect for the General by attending the concert, which will improve the General’s financial position as well as show their appreciation to the “Old Man.”

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Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
which white christmas character are you
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