Quiz: Should I Go To The Mental Hospital?


Take this Should I Go To The Mental Hospital Quiz to find out if you need to go to a mental health center. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

What Is “Should I Go To The Mental Hospital” Quiz?

This quiz is made for you to determine the answer to the question “Should I Go To The Mental Hospital” and receive professional help for your mental health. If you take our Should I Go To The Mental Hospital quiz, you can find you if you should check yourself into a psychiatric hospital. It is 100% accurate and you will find a perfect result.

How to Check Yourself Into a Psychiatric Hospital
I was 16 when I was admitted to the psych unit for the first time. I was still a minor, so I was able to board with the kids at the local hospital’s juvenile behavioral unit. I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see or encounter, nor was my head in a situation to accept this environment.

Prior to admission, I displayed maniacal and depressive symptoms. However, my family and I did not recognize these mood swings as indicators of bipolar disease at first.

While I sat alone in a hospital gown on a cold metal table in an ER admissions room for what seemed like hours, Mom and Dad signed papers and conferred with the administration to see what could be done about my extraordinary outbursts and melancholy “suicidal” ideations—which, by the way, were not suicidal ideations or intentions.

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I merely had a sense that my life was being cut short—a hallmark of manic psychosis that the hospital mistook for a threat to myself or others. Another tick on the admissions requirements list. Also, you must try to play this Should I Go To The Mental Hospital Quiz.

Should I Go To The Mental Hospital Quiz

How Long Does An Inpatient Stay Last?
For me, an inpatient stay made sense. My actions were illogical, and my parents were terrified to leave me alone.

I was visiting a psychiatrist, but she was hesitant to label me at such a young age, I believe for liability and caution. She had met with us a few times before, but because I now need 24-hour monitoring, she urged my parents to take me to the nearest hospital.

I was terrified and perplexed. My symptoms were so severe that I had no idea where they were heading me. I had no idea what a psychiatric ward was or that extended stays were feasible. They predicted that I’d spend a long weekend there. It ended up being three weeks.

The length of your stay is determined by your needs and can range from a few days to several weeks or more. The length of your stay in an inpatient institution is determined by your doctor’s suggestion.

Finally, a Diagnosis for Bipolar Disorder
It took some time to make a diagnosis. In fact, it wasn’t until I was released from the psychiatric hospital following a three-week stint that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The diagnosis was made during consultations while I was in an outpatient program.

About the quiz

I had heard the phrase “bipolar disorder” for the first time the previous year, but I knew it was manifesting in me after chatting with my psychiatrist at the hospital when my symptoms first appeared.

It was a relief to finally be diagnosed. I suppose I knew something wasn’t right the whole time. I knew I was sick even before the formal diagnosis, but I hadn’t been educated on mental disease. It was wonderful to know that my brain was misbehaving for a purpose that wasn’t my fault.

What I Wish I Had Known Prior to Admitting Myself
In my life, I’ve had two inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations, the first when I was 16 and in the juvenile ward. The second occurred when I was 24 years old and admitted to the adult ward. I’ve gathered some wisdom that may be useful if you’re preparing to enter a behavioral unit:

  • Bring along your best advocate. It may be your spouse, parent, close friend, or relative—someone who understands you and is aware of your circumstances.
  • Breathe. Recognize that the staff wishes to assist you rather than harm you.
  • Please be patient. It’s a procedure with steps to follow and documentation to complete.
  • Once inside, speak up for yourself. You will be seen by the doctor. Be truthful with him.
  • Your photograph will be taken, and no, they will not steal your soul.
  • You will be locked in a secure unit. They occasionally allow you to leave the unit for visits or brief outings.
  • Make every effort to work with the staff and your other patients. It may be some time until you are discharged, so keep in mind that you are there to recover. Furthermore, being nice and pleasant will win you extra “points.”
  • Read and comprehend your patient rights.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
should i go to the mental hospital quiz
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