Take this Which SHINee Member Are You quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.
On October 7, SHINee member Key, VIXX member N, and 2AM member Jeon Jinwoon were released from their mandatory military service. Key enlisted in March 2019 and joined the military band before being dismissed without having to return to his base following his final leave, thanks to the military’s COVID-19 protocol.
The 29-year-old musician spoke openly about his military experience in his first interview since his discharge with Cosmopolitan Korea. “It wasn’t easy to acclimatize,” Key admitted, “but I had a nice time.” Furthermore, when asked about his basic personality, Kim Ki-bum confessed that he preferred receiving letters from his military juniors above gifts. Key saw that the juniors may have felt forced to buy him something nice because of how he conducts himself on social media or on television. Ki-bum, on the other hand, repeated that he is a “very simple person.”
Furthermore, when asked about his SHINee bandmates (Onew, Minho, and Taemin), Key chose “affection” as the emotion he has for them because everything about their connection “feels plain and natural.” Ki-bum revealed that when asked how much he loves his members or how close he is to them, he finds it difficult to respond since it’s the same as asking him how much he adores his mother. “It’s a difficult connection to convey in words,” Key concluded to Cosmopolitan Korea.
Which SHINee Member Are You?
Actually, I didn’t imagine I’d still be a singer at 30. When I looked at other artists, I observed that most of their careers would be over by the age of 30. I had no idea I’d still be doing this so actively. But, you know, I still have the feeling I’m 18 years old. There has been no change. Also, you must try to play this Which SHINee member are you quiz.
When I was younger, I was a quiet, watchful person who was always watching other people’s manners, acts, and what they said. When I’m in a new situation with folks I don’t know, I usually take in my surroundings, noting everything. But this personality was struggling to get out of my heart. There was ablaze.
My mother is a nurse, while my father works as a financial counselor. They always wanted me to study hard and become a doctor, but no way. In school, I secretly studied dancing and, of course, I loved to sing. I began auditioning for SM2 when I was 15 years old, against my parents’ wishes. I sat down with my parents after my SM audition and told them I wanted to be an Idol. (However, I didn’t actually grasp it.) My folks were completely taken aback. They’d never seen me like that before. “You’re such a bashful child,” they remarked. “You can’t be a celebrity.” They couldn’t believe it when I told them what I was saying. My parents seemed to be rebelling against me.
About the quiz
ONEW: CUTE, VAMPIRE (HE LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME AS 13 YEARS AGO), Bunny (OnTokki), Chicken Lover, KFC Guy, Soft, Group Father, and Leader-
KEY: Fashionista, Ronald McDonald, Funny, RiNg DiNg dONg, Key-eomma, The Group’s Mother. (Only old SHINee World fans will understand why I put Ronald McDonald.)
MINHO: Sexy- Hot- UHM- Main Rapper, Funny, Jonghyun’s Father-
JONGHYUN: Taemin’s Father, Naruto-, Cute, Hot, GREAT VOCALIST, Minho’s Son, Moon
TAEMIN: witty, diminutive, “iNnOcEnT”, Tiny, Maknae, I’m not sure about you, but he reminds me of Kai and Jimin. Hottie, Hottie, Hottie, Hottie, Hottie, H
For more personality quizzes check this: Bakugou Quiz.