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Which Hyouka Character Are You? Hyouka Quiz


Take this which Hyouka character are you quiz to test which character are you? Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

“Everyone wants to have a good time in high school.” That’s why Houtarou Oreki doesn’t care about this high school student slogan. When it comes to relationships, sports, and other activities, he does not want to “waste” his energy. To “save his energy” instead, he intends to spend his high school years as basic as possible.

Toto Oreki, his older sister, writes him an invitation to join the Kamiyama High School Classic Literature Club, which was in risk of disbanding because all the previous members have graduated. Despite his reluctance, Oreki accepts his sister’s invitation, believing that it won’t make a difference in his life because he was expecting to be the only member of the club. After entering the club area, he discovers that his assumptions were incorrect. He notices a lovely female standing near a pair of windows and gazing out. Ses old friends Satoshi Fukube and Mayaka Ibara join the club after a short period of time.

Editor’s Picks

After 45 years, they decide to look into a case that happened 45 years ago.

Which Hyouka character are you?

Going into Hyouka, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. A mystery series, I knew, but it was nothing like the mysteries I was used to. In the 1940s and 1950s, I grew up watching classic black-and-white murder mysteries. Every week, one of The Thin Man movies would appear on our television. Also, you will find out which Hyouka character are you in this quiz.

A few episodes of those classic series were and are still a regular part of my household’s routine. After all, there’s no murder, no true crime to investigate, so it’s not like any other mystery show I’ve seen. However, I believe that’s what makes it so appealing. “Hyouka” isn’t just some kind of a mystery. You can watch it as a slice of life drama or as a school life drama or even as a romantic comedy. Following a group of students as they go about their daily lives, uncovering the riddles that are important to them at the time.

High school student Hotaru Oreki, who dislikes exerting energy in anything, must join the Classic Literature Club in order to prevent it from going out of business. Chitanda Eru, Satoshi Fukube, and Mayaka Ibara join him on the stage as well. Mostly at Eru’s request, they work together to solve a variety of mysteries around the school. In 2001, Honobu Yonezawa published his first of six mystery novels. Kyoto Animation produced a 22-episode animation based on the manga published by Taskohna in 2012.

About the quiz

His attention is drawn to a certain girl named Eru Chitanda, who one could say captivates him. And Eru Chitanda, his friend Satoshi Fukube, and he will work together to discover the truth about Eru’s presence in a classroom that was locked when Oreki arrived (keeping in mind the doors need keys to unlock and lock from the inside and out).

The mop guy causes the problem, so Oreki solves it in short order and informs the readers that the janitor must have been unaware of him. The next day, Oreki uses a method that he had devised to play on Chitanda’s innate curiosity in order to dissuade her from devoting her energy to a new mystery that had been circling school that day. He makes his way home and fills Fukube in on what is really going on in the Music Room.

At the beginning of the episode, we meet the two characters we’ll be following for most of the story: Hotaru Oreki and Satoshi Fukube. His mantra is ‘to it.’ “I will not have to do it if I don’t have to. In his personal opinion, he prefers to live on the “grey” side of life. And while he is also quite intelligent and capable of solving complex problems quickly, he appears to be sensible as well. It appears that Satoshi Fukube is more gregarious and more upbeat. He is active in several organizations and people often call him a “database.”

For more personality quizzes check this: Terror in Resonance Quiz.

Written By:

Ralph Kilpatrick

Meet Ralph Kilpatrick, a dedicated anime enthusiast and a masterful quiz author with a talent for crafting intriguing questions that celebrate the magic of Japanese animation. Born and raised in the United States, Ralph's love for anime and its captivating storytelling has driven him to become your trusted guide in this journey through the anime universe.
which hyouka character are you
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