What Dere Are You? Dere Quiz


Take this Which Dere Are You quiz to test which Dere type you are. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

What Is Dere Quiz?

Dere Quiz is a 30-question personality test that will match you with the most related Dere type, based on the personal traits and habits that you have. If you take our Which Dere Are You quiz you can get TSUNDERE, YANDERE, KUURDERE, DANDERE, HAJIDERE, or some other type. This Dere Type is 100% accurate and you will get a perfect result.

The type “Bakadere” refers to a particularly timid and unintelligent character. They are quite innocent and kind most of the time, yet their idiocy outlines their other characteristics.

The word ‘baka’ means ‘dumb,’ ‘moron’ implies ‘deredere,’ which is ‘lovey-dovey.”

The type Bodere refers to a person who is generally timid about individuals who are enthusiastic about him, leading to conflict. Types of Bodere are unable to manage the embarrassment and employ their fists rather than their words.

I couldn’t locate the right translation for Bo at Bodere, unfortunately. That’s like Tsundere, so I didn’t add it before. The key difference is that a Bodere is not in the dialog.

The Byoukidere-type refers to an individual who, however, has a serious sickness, but is nice and kind in his heart. You could be confined to a hospital bed or merely weak and vulnerable.

This word is a composite of Byouki, meaning unwell, and Deredere meaning love.

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The type Dandere refers to a character, frequently silent and self-respecting. It could be because of timidity or because it is the silent one. However, when they are attracted to the individual alone, they usually come out and get more affectionate.

It signifies Danmari (don) silence and Deredere that implies lovey-dovey. This term indicates lovey-dovey.

Which Dere are you

Dander is from ‘danmari,’ meaning silent and taciturn, and dere, as in love, as in ‘yandere’ and ‘tsundere.’ So a dandere is a shy and reluctant character. This shyness is likely to rise with the love interest, which leads to nice things like stuttering, shaking, blushing, avoiding eye contact, etc. Their definition is a lack of trust. They may also be beautifully tormented, especially in order to demonstrate how closeness to their love interests makes them unwelcome. They may eventually open up to their crack, but they are terribly timid at first. Wait for hair that hides your face, and your hair is usually black, purple, or blue.

The type dandere is commonly confused with the same type kuudere. “Cold” + “dere,” kuudere. The distinction, like the tsundere, is that the kuudere masks their affections for their interests in love with coldness. Whilst a tsundere utilizes harsh complaints, furious stars, and so forth to mask its sensation, a kuudere uses only that ‘cool shoulder’ manner, evasion, to which even a kuudere is a subset of tsundere.

The character ‘Rei Ayanami Expy’ is often confused with a dandere. Rei Ayanami originally embodied elements of kuudere and dandere’s qualities, but her real Shinji feelings looked a little hazy. In Evangelion, there is no true romance, thus while some characters seem like certain ‘dere’ types, I don’t regard them as such, as the presence of intense love emotions presupposes that a ‘dere’ type is involved.

Similarly, many consider that every ‘haired blue hair’ is a dandere, although not everyone really fits the exact definition of that. Also, you will find out what dere are you in this quiz.

About the quiz

Do you know how Japanese people speak? Have you heard of the deredere in Japan? You must have heard of tsundere, yandere, kuudere, and dandere presumably. We’ll discuss Japanese personalities in this article.

You probably met a character with a strong, unusual personality if you have ever watched Anime. In this article, we’re going to talk a little about each form of Dere, its origins, and certain examples of anime characters.

Besides the deredere, we will also give a collection of words describing Japanese personalities. Furthermore, let’s leave a summary to assist browse this article. I hope that it will please you and share it with your friends.

All of these four personalities have to do with love. Let’s begin with the dere that gave origin to all of them, their most neutral. It’s a deredere signifying Japanese onomatopoeia.

DEREDER [mode] is a compassionate and love-based expression of onomatopoeia in Japan. Deredere is a powerful, joyful, and kind individual with others around him. They’re wonderful girls, literally.

Other figures, who also carry half of the onomatopoeia, frequently combine other personalities, but they are nevertheless friendly to television viewers or such a weird trait is adorable.

Some examples of utterly lovely character and deredere, as well as the Minori Kushieda de Toradora. For example, we can quote the Lucky Star Miyuki Takara and Amagami Haruka Morishima.

For more personality quizzes check this: Fairy Tail Quiz.

Written By:

Ralph Kilpatrick

Meet Ralph Kilpatrick, a dedicated anime enthusiast and a masterful quiz author with a talent for crafting intriguing questions that celebrate the magic of Japanese animation. Born and raised in the United States, Ralph's love for anime and its captivating storytelling has driven him to become your trusted guide in this journey through the anime universe.
what dere are you
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