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The Bacchae Quiz – Book Trivia Quizzes


Take this The Bacchae Quiz to find out how well you remember the book. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

Dionysus, the god of wine, divination, ecstasy, and fertility, travels back to Thebes, the city of his origin, to clear his mother’s name and get revenge on the arrogant city state for forbidding people to worship him. The prologue, in which Dionysus recounts the tale of his mother Semele, a former princess of the regal Theban dynasty of Cadmus, provides the context to his return. She became pregnant as a result of her liaison with Zeus, the ruler of the gods.

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Hera, Zeus’ envious wife, duped Semele into requesting Zeus’ celestial appearance in order to exact revenge. Semele was burned to cinders by Zeus, who descended from the sky as a lightning bolt and was too powerful for a mortal to see. However, he was able to save his unborn child Dionysus, who was then sewn into his thigh. Semele’s family said that she was killed by lightning for lying about Zeus and that her kid, who was the result of an extramarital relationship, perverted her name and rejected the infant deity Dionysus by dying along with her. The Bacchae quiz will help you remember certain details.

The Bacchae quiz

When Dionysus returns to Thebes after a long absence, the play’s action starts. To exact revenge on the family for how they treated his mother and their failure to offer him sacrifices, he travels to the town in disguise as the stranger, escorted by a group of bacchants. Semele’s father, Cadmus, had given the throne to his devoted grandson Pentheus while Dionysus was away. Pentheus made the choice to forbid Dionysus worship in Thebes. Dionysus informs the audience that after driving Semele’s sisters insane in Thebes, they escaped to Mt. Cithaeron to worship him and carry out his rites there. Also, you must try to play The Bacchae quiz.



This god of wine, theater, and group ecstasy is the creator, protagonist, and pivotal figure of The Bacchae. He mainly appears as the Stranger, a stunning Lydian with long hair who has been heavily intoxicated by alcohol. Dionysus the god is obviously distinct from Dionysus in disguise, as the Stranger, yet they are the same. His non-human forms and powers are also strongly sensed throughout the play. The Stranger is tormenting Pentheus within the palace as the audience and chorus hear the divine deity order the earthquake, but they both exist in their many forms at the same time. Zeus and the mortal Semele, Cadmus’ daughter, gave birth to Dionysus.


Thebes’ ruler Pentheus is Agaue’s son, Cadmus’ grandson, and Dionysus’ first cousin. He is also the son of Agaue. Pentheus is Dionysus’s structural rival, making him the protector of law and order, a military leader, a stern patriarch, and finally a mortal bound to death. Pentheus is not just Dionysus’ mirror image or inverted double; in addition to being rigid and puritanical, he is also curious and voyeuristic.


Mother of Pentheus and Cadmus’s daughter. At the beginning of the play, Agaue is already one of the maenads (a worshiper of Dionysus taking part in orgiastic ceremonies; from the Greek mainad to be insane). Her moment is the most dramatic and impactful in the play, despite the fact that she only appears at the very end.


Former king of Thebes; grandfather of Pentheus and Dionysus; father of Agaue and Semele. The only member of Cadmus’ family to pledge devotion to Dionysus.

About The Bacchae quiz

15 multiple-choice questions in the free The Bacchae quiz below will help you gauge your knowledge of the book. Determine which chapters, ideas, and writing techniques you already understand, as well as what you still need to learn in preparation for your forthcoming essay, midterm, or final test. Now take the free test!

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Written By:

Ortensio Toscani

Meet Ortensio Toscani, a passionate bibliophile and a literary quizmaster extraordinaire, known for his talent in crafting thought-provoking questions that delve deep into the world of books. Born and raised amidst the artistic and historical backdrop of Italy, Ortensio's love for literature and the written word has evolved into a dedicated mission to share the wonders of books with enthusiasts worldwide.
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