Take this Bleak House Quiz to find out how well you remember the book. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!
Along with Ada Clare and Richard Carstone, Esther Summerson narrates her early years before leaving for the home of a new guardian, Mr. Jarndyce. They spend the night at the chaotic Jellybys’ house on the route to the residence known as Bleak House. Once they get at Bleak House, they meet Mr. Jarndyce and make themselves at home. They come across Mr. Skimpole, a man who behaves childishly.
The residence of Lady and Sir Leicester Dedlock, Chesney Wold, is haunted, according to the narrator.
Esther first encounters the domineering charity worker Mrs. Pardiggle, who introduces her to Jenny, a needy brickmaker’s wife, and her sick infant. Esther asserts that she is certain that Ada and Richard are in love. She meets Mr. Boythorn and Mr. Guppy, who both make marriage proposals. Esther turns him down.
Tulkinghorn presents some Jarndyce documents to the Dedlocks at Chesney Wold, and Lady Dedlock is able to read the writing. Tulkinghorn promises to track down the perpetrator. He inquires with Mr. Snagsby, the legal stationer, who claims that a man by the name of Nemo wrote the documents. Nemo, who resides above a store owned by a man named Krook, is discovered dead when Tulkinghorn visits him. A street person named Jo is questioned during the coroner’s probe and claims that Nemo was kind to him. Tulkinghorn later shares his findings with Lady Dedlock. Also, you must try to play this Bleak House quiz.
Bleak House quiz
Richard struggles to find a good job and ultimately decides to study medicine. However, he is more focused on the Jarndyce and Jarndyce litigation since he thinks it will make him wealthy. No one remembers why the parties filed the lawsuit in the first place, therefore neither Esther nor the narrator are ever able to completely explain it. This Bleak House quiz will help you remember certain details.
Esther meets Charlotte, a young girl in London, who is taking care of her two younger brothers. Mr. Gridley, a lodger who resides in the same building, additionally assists in taking care of the kids.
Esther Summerson
the protagonist and narrator. After being adopted by Mr. Jarndyce, Esther, Ada, and Richard work as housekeepers at Bleak House. Everyone adores Esther since she is kind and altruistic, and she ends up becoming several young women’s confidantes. She finally does locate her mother, but their relationship cannot flourish due to external factors. Initially a tentative, timid narrator, Esther develops confidence in her narration and becomes an adept storyteller.
Mr. John Jarndyce
Bleak House’s proprietor and Esther’s protector. Ada and Richard are adopted as orphans by Mr. Jarndyce, who also takes Esther in as Ada’s friend. Mr. Jarndyce, who is generous yet uncomfortable with other people’s thanks, offers the three young people a cozy, happy house. He makes a marriage proposal to Esther when she is an adult, but he eventually withdraws it after learning that she has fallen in love with someone else. Mr. Jarndyce has vowed to have no further role in the Jarndyce & Jarndyce case.
Ada Clare
a Jarndyce ward. Ada, who is kind, innocent, and naive, ends up being Esther’s most trusted friend and greatest source of joy. She falls in love with Richard, and although though they eventually get married and have a child, his obsession with the Jarndyce and Jarndyce litigation prevents her from truly being happy with him.
Richard Carstone
a Jarndyce ward. Richard is affable but lethargic, unable to settle on a profession, and appears to lack interest in any given industry. He eventually develops an obsession with Jarndyce and Jarndyce and gives his life for the legal case. For Ada’s sake, he pursues the lawsuit, but he is never able to give her a true home.
About the Bleak House quiz
15 multiple-choice questions in the free Bleak House quiz below will help you gauge your knowledge of the book. Determine which chapters, ideas, and writing techniques you already understand, as well as what you still need to learn in preparation for your forthcoming essay, midterm, or final test. Now take the free test!
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