Which Hamilton Character Are You? Hamilton Quiz


Take this Which Hamilton Character Are You Quiz to test which character are you. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

What Is Hamilton Quiz?

Hamilton Quiz is a 30-question personality test that will match you with the most relatable character from Hamilton, based on your personality traits. If you take our Which Hamilton Character Are You quiz, you can be Alexander, Eliza, Angelica, Aaron, Herculec, or others, depending on who your personality is closest to. It is 100% accurate and you will get perfect result.

Hamilton Summary

What’s musical about Hamilton? What is this story… Who lives, who dies? Learn about every character of Hamilton, including Lafayette, Burr, Jefferson, and more!

A talk with a friend of my reminded me of how many people are not really clear what Hamilton is all about other from the passionate Hamilton fanbase, which is concentrated mainly on Twitter Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Mirandas and Tumblr Lin-Manuel Miranda.

When you ask someone about Hamilton, they will want to tell you about the importance of the diversity of casting characters, how they are a masterpiece in historical research and how they remark on present society; how they bring women to the forefront and how they employ musical forms to serve history in an absolutely unique way. (Oh, look — all these things I told you!)

Editor’s Picks

But all you need to know is, to get started, who are these Hamilton figures and what do they sing? I’ve got you covered because in these descriptions I inundated my pal beforehand so there was no extra labor (WERK!) on my side actually with this piece. Also, you will find out which Hamilton character are you in this quiz.

Which Hamilton character are you

The protagonist of the musical is Alexander Hamilton. The whole show chronicles his ups and downs through the American Revolution and the American nation’s beginning. Hamilton had a tough upbringing. As he was born on an island in the Caribbean in a destitute family and finally orphaned. He moves to America at the age of nineteen to learn. His writing attracts much attention to him and his tendency to dispute with everybody.

During the Revolutionary War, Hamilton becomes the right-hand man of George Washington and is therefore vital to the victory of the American colonists over the British. Following the war, Hamilton became the first treasury secretary. Hamilton was responsible for the construction, coastguard, and newspaper The New York Post, of the American financial system. He dies with Aaron Burr at the end of the play.

Aaron Burr, one of Hamilton’s first pals in America, is the main enemy of the music. While the two dispute during the first musical act, they still look at each other as friends, until Hamilton continually advances his career and Burr’s stagnates. Burr gets so furious when Hamilton endorses Thomas Jefferson for President instead of Burr that he challenges Hamilton to a duel in which he shoots his opponent and kills him. Burr regrets the assassination of Hamilton shortly afterward. What Hamilton character are you?

About the quiz

The musical begins with the ensemble delivering a sketch of the childhood of Alexander Hamilton before the Americas, at the middle of the 18th century. Different cast members recount how Hamilton has been led by a number of catastrophes. Hamilton wrote about his painful experience following a cyclone that wrecked his island, his mother died, and his father abandoned him. Impressed by his linguistic skills, people from his island donated money to send him to America to learn.

The ambitious youth of Hamilton arrives in New York and seeks guidance from Aaron Burr on the acceleration of his studies, as did Burr. But Hamilton is insisting that he talks since it has passionate opinions, Burr urge Hamilton not to speak so many times. The two characters are designed to be foils for one another; Burr is prudent, strategic and less principled in his brash, open-minded and thoughtful Hamilton. When they meet John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan and the Marquis de Lafayette, they meet the two new acquaintances in the bar.

Next we will present Schuyler’s sisters who wander the enthusiasm of change in social wave across downtown New York City. But she shuts it down. Aaron Burr attacks Angelica. She then says that she has read the Common Sense of Thomas Paine and seeks a ‘revelation’ that expresses a desire to achieve equality among women.

For more personality quizzes check this: Does He Like Me Quiz.

Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
which hamilton character are you
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