Which Fairy Tail Girl Are You Quiz


Take this Which Fairy Tail Girl Are You Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.


Kagura, the most powerful member of Mermaid Heel, set out to destroy Jellal for wrecking her family’s lives. She’s a great swordswoman, capable of catching even Erza off guard without ever drawing her blade.

She has the ability to cut through Erza’s armor and possesses amazing speed. She also possesses great gravity magic and is battle-tested enough to overcome practically any difficulty.

Minerva, the daughter of Jiemma, the original leader of Sabertooth, was introduced as one of the series’ most dangerous adversaries. We’ve seen her defeat some of the people on this list, as well as obtain power-ups and transform into a demon in order to gain more power.

Editor’s Picks

Territory, her magic, allows her to change the space within her view, allowing her to transport things to various locations, swap places with her opponent, and more. She’s extremely dangerous, and arguably more powerful than her father. Also, you must try to play this Which Fairy Tail Girl Are You Quiz.

Which Fairy Tail Girl Are You Quiz

Lucy, to be honest, is not well-liked. It’s logical, given that she’s more of a crafty fighter towards the start of the series. However, by the end of the anime, she is repeatedly tested by increasingly powerful wizards, requiring her to improve even more than before.

Her talent to collect Celestial Spirits matures into the power to channel their energy. In the previous arc, she demonstrates that she is capable of battling with her Celestial Spirits rather than having them fight for her, and she is one of Fairy Tail’s greatest mages.

Mirajane is without a doubt the second most powerful woman in Fairy Tail. Though she appears to be a pleasant person, when it comes to safeguarding Fairy Tail and her siblings, she is very terrifying.

We’ve seen her prove why she’s an S-Class mage time and time again, and the only reason she ever loses is that she’s defending her brother and sister rather than focused on her fight.

About the quiz

Irene isn’t just any fighter in the Fairy Tail universe; she’s the original Dragon Slayer. Not only that, but Irene’s magical power isn’t simply enormous; it’s ludicrous.

Fans have seen some of the things she is capable of, and it appears like there is no limit to her strength. She easily defeated Mirajane, putting her ahead of everyone else on this list. But there is one person who deserves to be placed above her.

True, Erza isn’t as strong as her mother, Irene. But, in the end, Irene was unable to kill Erza or even claim her body as her own. And Erza possesses something her mother lacks: so much plot armor that she could pass for the main character!

She’s immensely powerful, and in the previous arc, we witnessed her use her own strength to halt a comet. We saw her look three of her most strong opponents in the eyes and scare them away. And she smacked Gray and Natsu in the face while leading Fairy Tail to victory against some of the most dangerous magicians they’d ever encountered.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Is Your Fate Quiz.

Written By:

Ralph Kilpatrick

Meet Ralph Kilpatrick, a dedicated anime enthusiast and a masterful quiz author with a talent for crafting intriguing questions that celebrate the magic of Japanese animation. Born and raised in the United States, Ralph's love for anime and its captivating storytelling has driven him to become your trusted guide in this journey through the anime universe.
which fairy tail girl are you quiz
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