Dreamer Vs Realist Quiz – Personality Quizzes


Take this Dreamer Vs Realist Quiz to find out are you a dreamer or a realist. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

It’s strange; it appears that the older you become, the less you associate with the dreamers. They eventually become the minority.

The opposite is true early in life. We are all encouraged to dream like children. We’ve been told that there are no limitations to what we can accomplish. We’re confident that if we aim for the moon, we’ll land among the stars. Consider the most popular question you were asked as a teenager: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The replies were so honest and sincere.

The answer to that same inquiry began to change as you grew older. Not because you no longer desired to pursue those same career goals, but because you were told they were unrealistic somewhere along the way. As a result, you’ve joined a world where decisions are made with your intellect rather than your heart, where outcomes are assessed in instant concrete evidence rather than the boundless possibility of opportunity.

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Being a dreamer isn’t always easy. You will feel continuously exposed to failure and embarrassment. There will always be onlookers waiting for you to call it quits. Our culture has grown into a group that would rather see someone fail than flourish. The losses are more visible and unpleasant, but the victories are far more satisfying. Also, you must try to play this Dreamer Vs Realist Quiz.

Dreamer Vs Realist Quiz

Realists have much lower expectations than dreamers. They are quick to dismiss ideas and prefer to live between the lines, never venturing beyond the horizon. Never, ever push the envelope. Always be on the safe side. Success comes to them on a regular basis but in small doses.

When you’re a dreamer, you have to develop tunnel vision. There will be skeptics, as well as some who will criticize the excellent things you are seeking to accomplish. These are the folks that have the power to prevent you from achieving your goals. Not because those dreams are impossible, but because it is all too simple to let them convince you that they are. When you allow yourself to be influenced by their negativity, you begin to doubt yourself.

Are realists the skeptics? No, not always. They are, without a doubt, the reason ideas become a reality. They may concentrate on the project at hand while carefully planning how to carry it out. Consider them the stage crew. They work behind the scenes to ensure that everyone is where they should be. They have planned for every eventuality and will ensure that everyone is completely equipped. Without them, the show may devolve into a disaster.

About the quiz

Most realists, however, fail to recognize or appreciate the truth that without the dreamers, there would be no show. The dreamers want to alter the world because they have a strong belief that they can. Imagine where our world would be if we didn’t have the dreamer’s mentality that anything is possible. For every novel notion, there were some who laughed it off… until it became a reality.

People say it’s important to get all of your carefree fantasies out of your system when you’re young when life’s responsibilities haven’t fully appeared. That if you don’t do certain things now, you’ll be filled with regret later in life when you don’t have the freedom to explore. Your twenties are supposed to be your selfish years when you should push yourself out of your comfort zone and discover who you are.

When dreamers reach their twenties, however, the majority of them are still striving to find themselves; finding oneself is not an easy undertaking. Dreamers desire a simple, worry-free existence. They occasionally examine other people’s points of view, but for the most part, they stick to their own. They’re masters at making themselves appear more secure and self-assured than they are.

For more personality quizzes check this: Are You Obese Quiz.

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
dreamer vs realist quiz
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