Which Coping Mechanism Are You? Personality Quiz


Take this personality quiz to find out Which Coping Mechanism Are You. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.


Psychological stress can be caused by significant life events, whether positive or negative. Divorce, miscarriage, the death of a loved one, or the loss of a job can all cause grief or distress in most people. Even events that many people consider to be positive, such as getting married, having a child, and purchasing a home, can cause significant stress. Depending on the situation, people may use a combination of behavior, thought, and emotion to cope with stress.

Coping mechanisms may be used to manage stress or to cope with anger, loneliness, anxiety, or depression.


Some people may mix up defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms. Although these two concepts have some similarities, they are not the same.

Defense mechanisms are mostly unconscious, and most people are unaware they are using them. Coping mechanisms, on the other hand, are usually deliberate and intentional.
Coping mechanisms are used to deal with an external situation that is causing individual problems. Defense mechanisms have the ability to alter a person’s internal psychological state.

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Coping styles can be either problem-focused (also known as instrumental) or emotion-focused. Problem-focused coping strategies are typically associated with methods of dealing with the problem in order to reduce stress, whereas emotion-focused mechanisms can assist people in dealing with any distress caused by the problem. Also, you must try to play this Which Coping Mechanism Are You quiz.

Furthermore, coping mechanisms can be classified as either active or avoidant. Active coping mechanisms typically involve being aware of the stressor and making conscious efforts to reduce stress. In contrast, avoidant coping mechanisms are characterized by ignoring or otherwise avoiding the problem.

Some coping strategies, while effective for a time, are ineffective over time. Maladaptive coping refers to ineffective coping mechanisms that can often be counterproductive or have unintended negative consequences. Adaptive coping mechanisms are those that are generally regarded as healthy and effective methods of dealing with stressful situations.

Which Coping Mechanism Are You?


The following are some of the more commonly used adaptive coping mechanisms:

  • Support: Discussing a stressful event with a supportive person can be an effective stress-management strategy. Seeking outside help rather than isolating oneself and internalizing the effects of stress can greatly reduce the negative effects of a difficult situation.
  • Relaxation: A variety of relaxing activities can assist people in dealing with stress. Meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or other calming techniques, sitting in nature, or listening to soft music are all examples of relaxing activities.
  • Problem-solving: This coping mechanism entails identifying a source of stress and then developing and implementing potential solutions to effectively manage it.
  • Making light of a stressful situation may assist people in maintaining perspective and preventing the situation from becoming overwhelming.
  • Physical activity: Exercise can be a natural and healthy way to relieve stress. Running, yoga, swimming, walking, dance, team sports, and a variety of other forms of physical activity can help people cope with stress and the aftermath of traumatic events.

A few examples of common maladaptive coping mechanisms are:

  • Some people may withdraw from friends and become socially isolated in order to cope with anxiety or stress. They may become engrossed in a solitary activity such as watching television, reading, or surfing the web.
  • Unhealthy self-soothing: Some self-soothing behaviors are healthy in moderation but can develop into an unhealthy addiction if used to self-soothe becomes a habit. Overeating, binge drinking, or excessive use of the internet or video games are all examples of unhealthy self-soothing.
  • Some self-soothing behaviors may develop into numbing behaviors. When a person engages in numbing behavior, they are frequently aware of what they are doing and may seek out an activity to help them drown out or override their distress. People may try to numb their stress by eating junk food, drinking excessively, or using drugs.
  • Stress can cause some people to seek an adrenaline rush through compulsive or risk-taking behaviors such as gambling, unsafe sex, drug experimentation, theft, or reckless driving.
  • Self-harm: To cope with extreme stress or trauma, people may engage in self-harming behaviors.

About the quiz


Effective coping skills can frequently help improve mental and emotional well-being. People who can adjust to stressful or traumatic situations (and the long-term effects these incidents may have) through productive coping mechanisms may be less likely to experience anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues as a result of painful or challenging events.

People who find themselves using maladaptive coping mechanisms and/or having difficulty using effective coping strategies may eventually experience a negative impact on their mental and emotional well-being. Those who struggle to cope with anxiety, stress, or anger may develop a habit of relying on a maladaptive coping mechanism. Consuming alcohol, for example, can often help people feel less stressed at the moment, but if a person comes to rely on alcohol, or any other substance, in the face of difficult situations, they may become dependent on the substance over time.

If you are stressed and are unsure how to cope, a therapist or other mental health professional can often assist you in developing and improving your coping skills. Therapy sessions can be a safe, nonjudgmental environment for people to explore their coping methods and determine how they help or hinder stress management.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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