What Type Of Anger Do I Have Quiz


Take this What Type Of Anger Do I Have Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

  1. Passive Rage: This is anger that does not manifest as anger. Instead, it manifests itself in small ways, such as snarky remarks or acts of unconscious aggression against the person you’re upset with, such as “forgetting” to fill your car with petrol when you know your husband won’t have enough to drive to work the next morning.

Passive rage can be directed internally as well. This is especially true if you have suppressed your anger to the point where you are unaware that you are upset.

You may simply find yourself stress-eating, panicking, drinking or shopping excessively, behaving erratically, or self-harming.

  1. Volatile Fury: This form of rage is the polar opposite of quiet anger. With explosive rage, you know you’re angry, and everyone else does, too.

This type of rage is frequently explosive and unpredictable. It is quite easy to lose control, resulting in words and acts that you immediately regret after the storm has passed.

Denial and repression, like passive anger, are frequently at the root of volatile fury. However, instead of oozing out in little, often unnoticeable ways, this rage makes itself heard loud and clear.

Editor’s Picks
  1. Fear-Based Anger: It is sometimes easier to be angry than it is to be terrified. This is especially true when we are concerned for the safety of a loved one.

After all, no one can hurt us more than those we love. As a result, when we observe them acting in ways that potentially endanger them, we may react with rage rather than dread.

Furthermore, rage frequently produces outcomes, at least momentarily. We may unintentionally or actively direct our rage at a loved one in the hope of frightening them out of the behaviors that frighten us.

In the long run, though, displaying anger when our true emotion is fear is counterproductive.

Angry outbursts only cause hurt, fear, and resentment in those we care about, which is hardly the best method to keep them safe from the things we fear for them. Also, you must try to play this What Type Of Anger Do I Have quiz.

What Type Of Anger Do I Have Quiz

  1. Frustration-Based Anger: Frustration-based rage is similar to fear-based anger when directed at a loved one.

We have the highest expectations and wishes for those we care about the most. When we see someone failing to live up to what we believe to be their full potential, we become irritated, and that frustration can all too easily turn into wrath.

Frustration-based rage can also be focused inside. Perhaps we are dissatisfied with life. Perhaps we believe that others have things that we do not.

We watch as others appear to thrive and prosper, while we suffer from one setback to the next.

This type of rage is founded, above all, on a comparison of how life is (or appears to be) with some lofty ideal of how life should be.

However, whether your ideal is for yourself or for your loved ones, reality can never live up to the vision.

  1. Anguish-Based Rage: This is a sort of anger that frequently conceals hurt, pain, or even clinical depression.

Pain and sadness, like fear, are among the most hardest emotions to deal with. Anger is easier for some people because, even if only for a brief while, it can make you feel powerful, but melancholy and depression can make you feel weak.

When grief threatens to drown you in sadness, rage can feel like the only weapon you have to fight with.

But, in reality, it exacerbates the situation. This form of fury not only fails to treat the underlying suffering, but it also adds extra agony—the anguish of regret, loneliness, and guilt.

About the quiz

  1. Chronic Fury: There’s no denying that anger can be exhilarating. Adrenaline rushes through my veins. You feel powerful and dominant—at least for the time being.

And rage has a powerful effect. You can notice how those around you adjust their behavior to accommodate you and avoid another outburst.

That feels horrible in a way. You don’t want anyone, especially your loved ones, to be terrified. You don’t want to be known as a jerk.

But there’s another side to you, one you don’t like to admit to yourself, and that side enjoys your wrath and the effect it has on others.

That hormone rush can be exhilarating, and there is certainly a sense of power in watching people treat you with kid gloves.

Chronic anger, on the other hand, is an addiction that, if not treated, will not only wreak havoc on your physical and mental health, but will also damage your relationships.

Those around you will quickly tire of treading on eggshells, leaving you alone with your rage.

Manipulative Anger: Manipulative anger is similar to chronic anger. It is used to dominate others, either consciously or unconsciously.

Manipulative anger, like volatile anger, is frequently loud and explosive. The idea is to startle others around you into submission.

Of course, such efforts to control will backfire in the long run because your targets will only endure so much pandemonium before walking out the door.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Charmed Sister Are You?

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
what type of anger do i have quiz
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