What Kind Of Serial Killer Are You?


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There are now four types of serial killers. Visionary, Mission-oriented, Hedonistic, and Power / Control are the four types.

These classifications are based on their motivations for committing crimes. A Hedonistic killer, for example, may kill for the sake of sexual enjoyment. A Visionary murderer, on the other hand, may murder people because he believes God is ordering him to.

As you can see, serial killers kill for a variety of reasons.

Another thing to keep in mind is that these motives frequently overlap. In other words, a murderer can fit into more than one category. Humans, as previously established, are complex creatures. As a result, we must use caution when attempting to fit every killer into a single type or group.

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Having stated that the four major types of serial killers are as follows:

  • Visionary: Believes that he is being ordered to kill by a person or entity. Suffering from psychosis, most likely.
  • Mission-driven: Kills in order to “cleanse” society of a specific group.
  • Hedonistic: Commits deeds for the sake of personal enjoyment. For example, rape, torture, or financial gain.
  • Power/control: Dreams of power and strives to dominate and control his victims.
  • Furthermore, the Hedonistic personality type is divided into three subtypes: Lust, Thrill, and Comfort.

What Kind Of Serial Killer Are You?

What exactly is a serial killer with a vision?
A visionary serial killer is someone who kills because they feel they are being ordered to do so by a person or entity. Also, you must try to play this What Kind Of Serial Killer Are You quiz.

Most of the time, these assassins are disordered and suffering from psychosis. They lose contact with reality as a result of their psychosis. In other words, they are frequently unable to distinguish between what is real and what is not. They may experience hallucinations or hear voices that aren’t genuine. They may also have delusory beliefs. They may believe, for example, that people are out to get them. Or that someone else is reading their thoughts.

What exactly is a mission-driven serial killer?
A mission-oriented serial killer is someone who kills to “cleanse” society of a specific set of individuals.

For example, they may be discriminatory toward a certain ethnicity or religion. They could also target sex workers or homosexuals.

These kinds of killers frequently believe they are doing society a favor. They have a plan in their heads. It is their goal to assassinate these persons. As a result, they often will not stop until they are murdered or apprehended by police enforcement.

It is vital to highlight that they are not psychotic. The Mission-oriented killer, unlike the Visionary killer, is not out of touch with reality. He doesn’t have any hallucinations or delusions. God or any other entity is not instructing him to do these things. That is, his decision to kill was entirely his own.

About the quiz

What does it mean to be a Hedonistic Serial Killer?
A Hedonistic serial killer is a sort of serial killer who kills for the sake of killing. They may be motivated by sex, the “thrill of the kill,” or financial gain.

Hedonistic serial killers are classified into three types. Lust, Thrill, and Comfort are the three.

What exactly is a lust killer?
A lust killer is a serial killer who rapes, mutilates, and kills for sexual fulfillment. In other words, raping, torturing, and doing unimaginable things to another person’s body provides him immense pleasure.

Lust killers may fantasize about committing these atrocities for years before summoning the resolve to carry out their first murder. This violent dream will often dominate their thoughts to the point that it becomes a deep-seated psychological desire in many circumstances.

When the desired killer commits his first murder, this “part of him” has the potential to take over his life. As time passes, he may demand more stimulation to recreate the “highs” of his first few kills. As a result, as he battles to control his impulses, the time between each murder may become shorter.

These serial killers frequently utilize weapons that place them in close proximity to the victim. They may, for example, use a knife or strangle the victim with their hands. Unlike the mission killer, the Lust killer necessitates intimate proximity.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
what kind of serial killer are you
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