What Kind Of Boss Are You?


Take this What Kind Of Boss Are You quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

The Overworked

The concept of balancing work and life is foreign to the workaholic boss. This supervisor constantly prioritizes the job. This supervisor is available to work on holidays, snow days, and after-hours. Furthermore, there will never be a day when this boss calls in sick. However, just because your boss never leaves the workplace does not imply you cannot. If you do all of your tasks efficiently, the workaholic should not be an issue.


This boss has been with the organization for a long time. Traditionalists are strongly entrenched in their ways and dislike change. They prefer to do things in the same way they have always done them. Be open to old approaches if you work for a traditionalist. You never know, their methods might work rather nicely. You may be able to introduce them to fresh ways on occasion. Your boss’s boss will ultimately discover something isn’t working if they refuse to accept change.

Editor’s Picks

Hungry for Power

For this boss, power is everything. They value the position of management more than the job itself. Because of their title, they assume they have supreme authority. Essentially, this employer believes “because I said so.” If this is your boss, do what is expected of you while also doing what you believe is right. Don’t agree to unreasonable requests simply because your employer says so.

What Kind Of Boss Are You?

Mr. Yeller

“Because I’m yelling at you, you’ll do as I say!” This employer believes that shouting loudly is required for you to obey. If your supervisor yells at you, just make sure you’re following his or her instructions. A yeller simply wants others to do what they say. Don’t take the ranting too seriously. Simply put, do your job and do it well. Also, you must try to play this What Kind Of Boss Are You quiz.

The Terrifying

Worse than a yeller is a frightening boss. This employer believes that being scary is vital, and it appears to be working. In order to achieve goals, the terrifying boss may yell or threaten employees. A boss that scares his or her personnel will not remain long in the position. Complaints and resignations among your coworkers may eventually become a red flag to the person in control, but there is no assurance that things will improve. You can face your supervisor if you’re brave enough (but do it constructively). If you are truly intimidated, you should start looking for new employment.

The Picky Eater

Everything you do, according to the nitpicker, is flawed in some way. Even if it is a little thing, this boss will make adjustments to your work simply because they can. If your boss is a nitpicker, you must pick your battles. Many times, you will most likely lose. Develop strategies for arguing your point while ensuring that your boss maintains control. Compromise is essential.

About the quiz

The Micromanager’s Position

A perfectionist is a micromanager. This boss is personally involved in everything you do. This is worse than the nitpicker since they will try to control the entirety of your work rather than just parts of it. It is critical not to take your boss’s over-involvement personally if he or she is a micromanager. Don’t allow a micromanager to sap your motivation. Instead, accept that it will happen and do your best to deal with it.

The Companion

This employer desires friendship with all of his or her staff. The friend wishes to be regarded as an equal and to be well-liked as such. If you have a friend boss, it is your responsibility to balance work and leisure time. It’s fine to be friends with your boss, but don’t let your work suffer as a result. Maintain a polite yet professional demeanor toward your supervisor.

The Underdog

You can get away with almost anything if your boss is a slacker. Leaving early, arriving late, whatever the case may be. Employees are given free rein since the pushover does not want to cause difficulties. Don’t take advantage if this is your boss. Instead, urge yourself to work hard so you can advance, because your supervisor will not assist you.

For more personality quizzes check this: Would You Survive The Purge?

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
what kind of boss are you
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