What Archetype Am I Quiz


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An archetype is a recurring feeling, character type, or event in the human experience. An archetype in the arts offers an initial sense of familiarity, allowing an audience member to relate to an event or character without having to think why they relate. We may detect archetypes without explanation because of our intuition and life experiences.

Although archetypes, stereotypes, stock characters, and clichés are often used interchangeably, they are not synonyms. In general, typical archetypes and stock characters serve as guides for characterization, whereas stereotypes and clichés are negative labels used to characterize poor writing or superficial thinking.

A stereotype is a distorted idea or characterization. Some stereotypes are unfavorable (“the dumb jock”), while others are good (“the innocent child”), but all are overly simplistic and unacceptable in literature.

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A cliché is a concept, incident, or detail that has been used so frequently in literature or cinema that it has become predictable and even dull. A cliché might be the TV firefighter who is haunted by the memories of the one damsel in danger he was unable to save. In contrast, an archetype does not indicate predictability or intellectual sloth. It usually implies that a character or scenario will speak to a universal reality. By definition, archetypes are known, yet they aren’t so predictable that we already know what will happen in their story.

What Archetype Am I Quiz

A stock character is a cross between an archetype and a stereotype: a figure who is designed to suit a specific, predictable description. Stock characters (for example, a wise elderly man or a haughty military officer) might be a good counterpoint for the main character, especially in comedy, but they aren’t appealing as protagonists. Stock characters arose from the traditional European tradition of commedia dell’arte, in which actors wore masks and played outrageous variations of stock characters. Also, you must try to play this What Archetype Am I Quiz.

The Innocent: Displays joy, goodness, optimism, safety, romance, and youth. Coca-Cola, Nintendo Wii, and Dove are some examples of brands.

The Everyman: Looks for relationships and a sense of belonging; is known for being supportive, faithful, and down-to-earth. IKEA, Home Depot, and eBay are a few examples of well-known brands.
The Hero: Courageous, bold, and motivating, the Hero is on a quest to make the world a better place. Nike, BMW, and Duracell are a few examples of well-known companies.

The Rebel: The Rebel challenges authority and defies the norms; the Rebel yearns for insurrection and revolution. Examples are Virgin, Harley-Davidson, and Diesel (jeans)

Travel, danger, discovery, and the thrill of new experiences inspire the Explorer. Jeep, Red Bull, and REI are a few examples of brands.

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The Creator is imaginative, inventive, and driven to create things that have lasting meaning and value. Lego, Crayola, and Adobe are some examples of brands.

The Ruler: The Ruler is the one who brings order out of chaos. He or she is often authoritative and tough, yet responsible and ordered. Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, and British Airways are some examples of brands.

The Magician: A visionary and spiritual being who wishes to create something exceptional and make dreams come true. Apple, Disney, and Absolut are some examples of brands.

The Lover: Inspires love, passion, romance, and dedication by creating intimate experiences. Victoria’s Secret, Chanel, and Haagen Dazs are a few examples.

The Protector: Protects and cares for others, and is sympathetic, nurturing, and kind. Johnson & Johnson, Campbell’s Soup, and UNICEF are a few examples of brands.

The Jester: Spreads joy throughout the world through comedy, laughter, irreverence, and a penchant for mischief. Old Spice, Ben & Jerry’s, and M&Ms are a few examples.

The Sage: The Sage is a thoughtful mentor or advisor who is dedicated to assisting the world in gaining deeper understanding and knowledge. Google, PBS, and Philips are some examples of brands.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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