Are You A Warrior Quiz – Personality Quizzes


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What exactly does the term “spiritual warrior” imply? Throughout human history, this somewhat paradoxical word appears in a variety of wisdom systems. A spiritual warrior is a wonderful idea that signifies someone who fights the most insidious and universal enemy—ignorance.

Ignorance of the fundamental essence of the world, known as Avidya in Sanskrit, causes a plethora of sorts of pain. The spiritual warrior fights this crafty foe on purpose, preferring to bring light into the darkness.

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A spiritual warrior must have heightened awareness. While spiritual activities like yoga and meditation help to increase and accelerate awareness, a spiritual warrior must have the specific awareness to understand that they are at war with the darkness of ignorance. If you are to answer the call to spiritual warriors, you must be aware that ignorance grows in the absence of consciousness. Paying attention to yourself—your thoughts, statements, actions, and beliefs—deprives ignorance of a fertile ground in which to grow. Also, you must try to play this Are You A Warrior Quiz.

Are You A Warrior Quiz

Courage is possessed by a spiritual warrior. “Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the courage to withstand a challenging one,” stated martial artist Bruce Lee. This is what it means to be fearless. As previously said, the spiritual warrior’s road is not always simple. On the journey to spiritual mastery, you may encounter danger, anxiety, pain, and uncertainty.

When faced with adversity, skepticism, or inconsistencies, or absurdity in their beliefs and behavior, spiritual warriors press on. This isn’t to say you don’t feel dread; it just means you feel it and keep going. You know deep down that the enlightenment you seek is worth the temporary anguish of the road.

The spiritual fighter is also disciplined. Discipline is the ability to restrict oneself—to control one’s impulses, wants, or emotions in order to improve oneself. It’s vital to stress that such discipline is forged in the fire of your will, rather than by some outside authority. You make the difficult decision to pursue spiritual activities or Sadhana over more pleasant or traditional ways of living in order to achieve higher realms of consciousness.

Discipline can also refer to just staying on track. The spiritual warrior is aware that there will be challenges along the way, but self-discipline keeps you going when others are happy to give up.

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Another important characteristic of the spiritual fighter is tenacity. Being unyielding does not imply being unpleasant or uncompromising. Rather, it denotes a continuous and purposeful desire to seek out incorrect beliefs, attempts to deceive yourself, and ego delusions. The spiritual warrior recognizes that ignorance is a tenacious foe that demands daily and persistent attention to avoid being caught off guard.

The spiritual warrior is astute as well as crafty. The fighter of light realizes the slippery nature of the mind and how easy you can fool yourself as your awareness and spiritual discipline improve. You must therefore be equally as devious and crafty in order to outwit your typical thought traps and cognitive biases. In the realm of expanded consciousness, you learn to anticipate the lies you tell yourself, the methods you hide from reality, and the tenacity with which you protect your false sense of self.

Patience is the third spiritual warrior trait. Patience is the calm acceptance that not everything will go as planned. It helps you to be content while also allowing you to pause, wait, endure, and let things unfold in their own time.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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