What Kind Of Dad Do You Have Quiz


Take this What Kind Of Dad Do You Have Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

Moms are no longer the only ones who frequent playgrounds and parks. It’s fun to be in the park with your child as a father. And, more than likely, you’ll wind up sharing it with another father. These are the folks you’ll seek guidance, support, and reassurance from…maybe. Even if these men don’t have the same parenting style as you, and you may disagree on issues like bottle-feeding or babywearing, there are certain things you may learn from a few of them. Others, however? They may cause you to roll your eyes.

Editor’s Picks

The Workaholic Father. This father is actually holstered to his business phone at the hip. His three-year-old is hanging upside down from the monkey bars, but his face is buried in his email. He won’t look up to say hello unless he notices a networking opportunity, very definitely connected to his career. Whether you don’t find out what he does and if you have any contacts, you’ll never get a chance to speak with him. He may not be the most knowledgeable about work/life balance, but he knows how to grow a profession while also being a father. Also, you must try to play this What Kind Of Dad Do You Have Quiz.

What Kind Of Dad Do You Have Quiz

The Lighthearted Pop. This father believes he is just one of the kids. He desires to recapture his childhood and is not afraid to do it through his child. He may be four times his child’s size, yet he wants to do everything his child does. Bent see-saws and broken swings are indications that he’s been there. He’s fantastic for advice on children’s games, but he’s not the person to talk to about challenging adult talks or problems.

The Hovering Father. As this father follows his children around, you can practically hear the helicopter blades buzzing. They may be physically attached by a leash or “safety tether” at times. He’s the guy you hear shouting about how deadly wood chips are or yanking his child off the threshold of a slide because it’s too risky. He’s an expert on child safety and has read every parenting book imaginable, and he may even have created his own. However, he is not the ideal person to consult with about allowing a child to be a child.

The Hipster Father. He distributes a petition requesting that the water fountain be converted to organic water. When you return to the playground one day, you discover that the wood chips have been replaced with compostable, LEED-certified artisanal chips from an old iron workshop in Brooklyn, NY. He’s the father to ask about the best craft breweries to visit with kids and potentially a dog (always a rescue mix). He also knows where to get the greatest parenting equipment, from automated diaper disposal to wifi-enabled bottles. Just don’t show him your bottles or toys because they’ll be the wrong ones.

About the quiz

Papa’s Absent-Mindedness

“Does this look like your stroller or mine?” This father has no idea whether the equipment belongs to him or what his child is wearing. He most likely has no recollection of feeding his child, therefore you may notice him giving them repeated snacks. Be wary of this father stealing your belongings. He has no intention of doing so; he simply has a lot on his mind. Don’t listen to his recommendations on the best gear because he probably doesn’t recall what he has.

The Geek Father. What is Batman doing in the park? It’s just one parent doing his best to be involved in his child’s activities. He may even be costumed as a stormtrooper to his children’s Darth Vader. This father enjoys dressing up with his children and teaching them about his favorite games and movies. If you want to know what new movies to take your kids to see, this is the man to ask. But don’t even bring up the subject of Star Wars vs. Star Trek with him.

The Emo Father. Baby’s first song was not “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” but rather the title track from My Chemical Romance’s most recent album. This father is in touch with all of his emotions, as well as those of his children. He pays attention to the newborn sounds and utilizes a decoder to figure out what they signify. He takes every sound of anguish seriously and believes the Ferber Method is cruel and unusual, and that it should be prohibited. He is the most knowledgeable about kid psychology and feelings.

For more personality quizzes check this: Vintage Aesthetic Quiz.

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
what kind of dad do you have quiz
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