Vanity Quiz – How Vain Are You?


Take this Vanity Quiz to find out how vain you are. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

There is no acknowledgment of past mistakes.

People who are extremely vain believe they can do no wrong. To solve difficulties, they instead rely on their “superb knowledge” of the world around them. If they appear to be “know-it-alls” (and continuously proclaim themselves to be), it’s probably because they believe they are.

This mindset leads to the vain individual believing they can never be wrong. They are not only “always right,” but they also have “no flaws.” As a result, they are incapable of apologizing or admitting past mistakes.

They are completely absorbed in their own beauty.

Excessively vain people believe they are the most gorgeous. Every single one of their characteristics is “excellent,” and they are “flawless.” Meanwhile, they boast about their beauty standards (for example, protein drink for breakfast, cardio activity for lunch, and kale salad for dinner), and they will make you seem and feel as if you can never compare.

Editor’s Picks

It is impossible for her to give advice, but she enjoys doing it.

Why would a flawless person need to listen to someone else’s advice? What advice could YOU possibly provide to them? The excessively vain person will literally laugh at the fact that you attempted to give counsel.

Vanity Quiz

They have no qualms about stating unequivocally that they do not want or require your advice. They may even be passive-aggressive, but you’ll know when your viewpoint isn’t valued.

Similarly, the egotistical individual enjoys giving unwelcome advice and presenting oneself as the “expert” in everything. They honestly feel that everyone around them aspires to be just like them. Because of this, they are convinced that you will never be as good as they are. Also, you must try to play this Vanity Quiz.

This is precisely why they don’t mind advising in the first place – they don’t believe you’ll ever be able to compete with them.

Totally Unconcerned About Consequences

Someone who is extremely vain would never believe that their selections are poor or that they made a mistake throughout the decision-making process.

What if a home remodel didn’t go as planned? I’ll simply relist it on the market, sell it, and get a new one, or fire the entire building crew.

Buying 300 shirts in the wrong size? I’ll just donate them and re-order, or I’ll disrespect the customer support representatives.

Didn’t you negotiate your compensation properly? I’ll just quit and look for another work, or I’ll sue my boss.

Is work task due next week, but you didn’t do it? I’ll just blame it on someone else.
Their failure to examine the repercussions of their actions can get them (or their team) in hot water. Unfortunately, they will almost certainly find a way to blame someone else for their misfortune rather than accept responsibility for it.
She enjoys being the center of attention.

About the quiz

Overly vain persons seek opportunities to be the center of attention, such as being the loudest person in the room, giving excessively intimate information (about themselves or others), and engaging in risky behaviors for the sake of group bonding. In essence, they want everyone to recognize them and pay attention to what they have to say because they enjoy being heard. Furthermore, why wouldn’t people want to listen to them?

People with excessive vanity, if left unchecked, will often find inventive ways to maintain it. Dressing in unusual and/or distracting fashions (e.g., hair, clothing), obnoxious chuckles or even weird behavior are examples of this.

They are always complimenting themselves.

When it comes to taking compliments, vain people simply lack decorum. They’ve probably already commended themselves in front of you and everyone else before you can even compliment them.

Did they recently receive a raise and a promotion? You will be the first to find out.
Did they immediately lose weight after attempting a new diet or workout routine? You will be the first to find out.

Do they have to undergo a costly plastic surgery treatment that will “cost a fortune”? Yes. Can they, however, afford it? Without a doubt! And you’ll be the first to know about it.

Overly conceited people have no qualms about promoting themselves or letting you know how great they are at everything, at any time.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Pretty Little Liars Character Are You?.

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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