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Inventing Anna Quiz – Which Character Are You?


Take this Inventing Anna Quiz to find out which character are you. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

When Anna Delvey (Julia Garner) is arrested and taken to jail on charges of millions of dollars in financial fraud, Vivan Kent (Anna Chlumsky), a reporter for the Manhattan, becomes interested in her story. Todd Spodek (Arian Moayed) is the lawyer who is handling Anna’s case and attempting to prove her innocence.

Vivian travels to Riker’s Island to meet with Anna and is immediately captivated by what she has to say. Despite opposition from her superiors, she is persuaded to write the article and begins to seek out additional leads and sources to add credibility.

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She meets Val (James Cusati-Moyer), a fashion designer in New York’s upper echelons. He tells Vivian about meeting Anna and thinking she was this no-nonsense woman who knew how to carry herself well. He also discusses her relationship with her then-boyfriend, Chase Sikorski (Saamer Usmani), a young tech entrepreneur looking for funding for his new app.

Chase and Anna were smitten with each other, but when things got rocky, Anna decided to break up with Chase and go out on her own because she felt Chase was holding her back. She had come up with the idea of launching this innovative and high-class social club dedicated to art and culture, and she was looking for the right contacts and funding to get things started.

Inventing Anna Quiz

Val introduced her to a wealthy socialite, Nora Radford (Kate Burton), and she uses her connections to secure herself a dream team of advisors for the ‘Anna Delvey Foundation,’ or ‘ADF,’ as the name of her club would be. Nora, on the other hand, slips away and moves on to her next target when she realizes Anna has been running up personal charges on her card. Also, you must try to play this Inventing Anna Quiz.

Anna contacts Alan Reed (Anthony Edwards), a lawyer at Ellis Reed, to assist her in obtaining funding. He put her in touch with some of New York’s biggest banks, and they all wanted to do business with her, but she had to provide documents proving her assets in Germany.

Anna moves into the 12 St George hotel and meets Neff (Alexis Floyd), Rachel (Katie Lowes), and Kacy (Laverne Cox). While Anna waits for her bank loan to be processed, the four of them go around town partying and living the high life. Banks, on the other hand, consider her documents to be suspect and are wary of approving the loan.

When the hotel where Neff worked demanded payment, Anna began to avoid them as well. Neff cheated on Anna, and soon after, Anna paid her dues and left the hotel, taking Neff with her. She then drove Kacy and Rachel to Morocco, accompanied by Rachel’s coworker, Noah.

About the quiz

In Morocco, the resort is constantly having problems with Anna’s payment, so Rachel ends up handing in her card as a substitute until Anna resolves her issues with the bank. When things get out of hand, Rachel and Noah flee, leaving Anna behind to run all the charges on Rachel’s card.

She calls Kacy and asks her to book a flight home for her. When she returns, she tries to crash with Kacy, but she is turned down. Rachel continues to ask Anna for money, but Anna avoids her and makes excuses. She moves from one hotel to the next, always being kicked out when she can’t pay.

With enough information on her side, she completes the article, which becomes a worldwide sensation. Vivian is still not convinced that Anna did all of this for no reason, and she tracks down Anna’s parents in Germany to learn the truth. When she realizes they’ve given up on her long ago, she returns and drops the story.

The day of Anna’s trial approaches, and Todd is pumped to defend her in front of 12 jurors who will decide whether she’s guilty or not.

For more personality quizzes check this: How Well Do You Know Naruto.

Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
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