Fatal Flaw Quiz – What Is Your Fatal Flaw


Take this Fatal Flaw quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

Do you ever find yourself debating just to argue? Some disputes are pleasurable for both sides, but if you find yourself in that situation frequently, where you end yourself yelling harder to establish your point, you may be merely argumentative.

It may appear that way, but having the last word has no value, and if you find that people avoid talking to you or give in solely to silence you, you may be going too far. Very unappealing.

Pick your arguments intelligently. Is the issue you’re debating so important? Arguing all the time is a sign of arrogance, so try to give the other person a chance to be right.

Telling a lie socially—when the situation dictates that either the person you’re talking to doesn’t need or deserve the truth, or that the person will be damaged as a result of the truth—is, let’s face it, occasionally an acceptable option. But denying the truth regularly, especially to avoid the repercussions of what you’ve done, is unappealing and hazardous.

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Consider this: why am I lying? Is it a habit, do I want the other person to think good of me, or do I want them to be disappointed? People require the truth from time to time, even if it is difficult to hear. Work on it.

It’s a frustrating world, and when we don’t get our way or our plans are sidetracked, we can become irritable. Everyone gets frustrated, but we don’t have to lose control and respond inappropriately. If you feel your frustrations rising, resist the want to lash out. Maybe it’s best to just walk away. Take a deep breath and count to ten… you get the idea.

Fatal Flaw quiz

Is it necessary for you to be correct all of the time? Do you always have the right answer and expect everyone to know it? You might be a little arrogant. Also, you must try to play this Fatal Flaw quiz.

Nobody likes a know-it-all, so why indulge in this personality flaw? If it is important for you to constantly emphasize your “rightness,” you are demonstrating conceit—do you truly believe you are always correct or do you just want other people to believe you are?

And you could be wrong! Eating crow is also unpleasant. Is it more important to be correct, or is it more important to establish better relationships?

The perfectionist is the most difficult on themselves, yet it makes you into a crazy person that no one wants to be around. Perfectionism isn’t about being flawless; it’s about believing you have to be perfect, that you have it in you to produce a perfect job, and failing to do so, failing to achieve the ideal results, leaves you disappointed.

If it describes you, remember this: “No one is perfect, not even me.” Take a deep breath and acknowledge your flaws. Self-criticism is your enemy.

About the quiz

Things go wrong in significant ways now and again, and sometimes it’s our fault. We must accept responsibility for the mistakes we make in our life. Taking on the victim role and blaming others is a harmful habit that has to be eradicated. Furthermore, people grow tired of your pity party indulgences.

As youngsters, one of the earliest skills we learn is how to share with others. It is the appropriate thing to do to share your toys and treats. However, there are some things we do that are selfish that you may not be aware of. People who are entirely preoccupied with themselves are referred to as narcissistic.

Do you find yourself preoccupied with yourself all of the time? Do you ever listen well? Narcissistic persons talk about their issues, their accomplishments, and everything else to the exclusion of everyone else’s problems and accomplishments. Their friendships are usually one-sided, and a one-sided friendship isn’t truly a friendship at all.

For more personality quizzes check this: Do I Need Jesus Quiz.

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
fatal flaw quiz
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