What Is My Ethnicity? 100% Accurate Quiz


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Ethnicity is the social and cultural identity that individuals or groups share based on common factors such as language, religion, ancestry, and traditions. If you take our What Is My Ethnicity quiz, you can get one of the Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Irish, Native American, or others, depending on what are your roots. It is 100% accurate and you will get your correct ethnicity.

Where would you start if someone asked you to describe your identity? Would it be a matter of skin color or nationality? What about the language you speak, your religion, cultural customs, or the ancestry of your family?

This perplexing topic frequently prompts people to divide their identities into two parts: race vs ethnicity. But what exactly do these two phrases signify, and what is the distinction between race and ethnicity in the first place?

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These terms are frequently used interchangeably, but they are technically distinct. “‘Race’ and ‘ethnicity have been and continue to be used as means to represent human variation,” said Nina Jablonski, an anthropologist and palaeobiologist at The Pennsylvania State University who studies the evolution of human skin color. “Most people think of race as a combination of physical, behavioral, and cultural characteristics. Ethnicity distinguishes people primarily on the basis of language and common culture.”

What Is My Ethnicity?

In other words, the race is frequently seen as something inherent in our nature and so passed down through generations. Ethnicity, on the other hand, is commonly seen to be something we acquire or self-ascribed depending on circumstances such as where we live or the culture we share with others. Also, you must try to play this What Is My Ethnicity quiz.

But, as soon as we’ve defined these terms, we’ll demolish the fundamental foundations upon which they’re based. That’s because the subject of race versus ethnicity exposes substantial and persistent errors in how we define these two features, inadequacies that have given them an outsized social impact on human history, particularly in the case of race.

The foundation of “races”
In the 18th century, anthropologists and philosophers utilized geographical location and phenotypic features such as skin color to classify humans into separate racial groups. This not only established the existence of distinct racial “types,” but also fostered the concept that these differences had a biological basis.

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This faulty notion created the framework for the belief that some races were superior to others, resulting in global power imbalances that favored white Europeans over other populations through the slave trade and colonialism. “We can’t comprehend race and racism without considering the history and, more crucially, economics. Because capitalism and the accumulation of riches drove the triangular trade [which included slavery], “explained Jayne O. Ifekwunigwe, a medical anthropologist at Duke University’s Center on Genomics, Race, Identity, and Difference (GRID). She also serves as the Center on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation’s (TRHT) associate director of engagement. The center is part of a national movement whose members organize public events and debates to confront historical and contemporary racism. Which ethnic group do you belong to?

The consequences of this past can still be found today, even in modern definitions of race, where there is still an underlying belief that characteristics such as skin color or hair texture have biological, genetic roots that are absolutely distinct to different racial groups. However, the scientific basis for that notion simply does not exist.

“If you take a group of 1,000 people from the recognized ‘races’ of modern humanity, you’ll see a lot of variety within each group,” Jablonski explained to Live Science. However, as she observed, “Any of these groupings has more genetic variety than the average difference between any two [race] groups. ” Furthermore, “there are no genes that are distinctive to any specific ‘race,'” says the author “She stated.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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