Which One Direction Song Are You?


Take this Which One Direction Song Are You quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

‘Pretend I’m My Age:’ A song about retreating to less mature and wise principles does not necessarily imply that you will be cracking dirty jokes. It does imply that you will sing along with your buddies in bars, as this is a great BFF drinking song. In the background, you can practically hear the pints of ale clinking.

‘Don’t Forget Who You Are:’ Proof that these are still good, clean-cut boy-next-door who happen to be pop stars who draw hordes of screaming fans as well as journalists who have nothing better to do but pound out poor jokes about their discography. However, not filthy.

‘Once in a Lifetime’: It’s not a particularly strong song, but it’s charming. Every now and then, you fall in love and feel special, safe, and loved. That’s it. There’s no actual punchline here.

Editor’s Picks

‘What I Want Is:’ They have a point here, I mean. Materialism is not a fashionable look. It’s not sexual advice; it’s completely practical. Also, you must try to play this Which One Direction Song Are You quiz.

Which One Direction Song Are You?

‘Same Errors:’ Again, nothing sexual yet, but if a relationship is this bad, do as Elsa suggests and let it go. To be honest, this sounds like irreparable heartbreak, and life is too short to try to mend something so shattered.

‘Half A Heart’: To be honest, I can’t stop listening to this song because I adore it, and I’d cry if I found out a guy was thinking about me while listening to it. It is One Direction’s most Adele-worthy performance to date. Five out of five. It’s too much for my heart to bear.

‘Fool’s Gold’: I mean, the boys know how to break a heart when they want to. This is heartbreaking, but not sexual. We are still at the “least” end of the scale.

‘Diana:’ I’ve never figured out if this song exists in a parallel dimension where the late Princess of Wales is still alive, but it’s lovely. Perhaps it’s a ‘Candle in the Wind’ scenario, or perhaps I’m reading too much into the Britishness of it all. In any event, it’s all about treating a girl correctly, and treating a girl right doesn’t have to be sexual at all (contrary to what pick-up artists the Internet over believe).

‘Who Stole My Heart?’ I’m sure there’s something close to innuendo in this song, but I can’t find it. I apologize. I was distracted by the powerful Ibiza-style beat. This is the most Euro song ever, which is part of what makes it so awesome. (Great but in a dreadful, horrible, worst-song-on-their-roster kind of manner.)

‘Clouds:’ This is their one “I just got out of a split, therefore I’m going to party with my pals!” song, and it’s inspiring if a little perplexing. But, hey, everyone’s experience of moving on from a breakup is different, so maybe they’re actually on clouds.

About the quiz

‘Girl of Might:’ In some parallel universe, they bring a bar to a standing ovation with a rousing rendition of this song done while standing on tabletops, but aside from being extremely congratulatory to girls (yeah, girls! way to be girls! ), there’s not much that’s objectively terrible here. It’s simply a silly drinking song, that’s all.

‘Through The Night:’ Because everyone needs a love song that is just a repackaged version of “when you noticed only one set of footprints, know it is I who…” (Also, because the Deathcab For Cutie song has been referenced far too often in my day, and this is now its mainstream replacement.)

‘I First Loved You:’ In retrospect, we shouldn’t have been startled by Haylor’s dramatic crash-and-burn romance, because this song is simply ‘You Belong With Me’ from the guy’s point of view. (For the record, Harry would be in the bleachers.) Zayn is most likely a cheerleader.)

‘Tell Me A Secret:’ This is easily the most uptempo heartbreak song ever written, yet it’s surprisingly catchy. “Break up with me for any reason but the truth!” they declare. “Say it isn’t you, it is me!” Please feed me lines! Please spare my ego!” It’s terribly depressing. But, on the other hand, young love is dismal. We’re all going through it. It’s gloomy.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Fairy Tail Girl Are You Quiz.

Written By:

Antje Schmitt

Meet Antje Schmitt, a passionate writer and a devoted celebrity enthusiast known for her ability to craft engaging and intriguing questions that delve deep into the lives of the rich and famous. Born and raised in the heart of Germany, Antje's fascination with the world of celebrities has evolved into a dedicated mission to create immersive quiz experiences for fans worldwide.
which one direction song are you
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