When Did Genshin Impact Come Out?


Genshin Impact, the free-to-play action role-playing game that has gained popularity worldwide, was officially released on September 28, 2020.

Developed and published by the Chinese gaming company miHoYo, the game has since amassed millions of downloads across multiple platforms and received numerous awards. This article dives into the history of Genshin Impact’s release, its immediate impact, and the subsequent updates that have kept the gaming community engaged.

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The Birth of a New Adventure: Genshin Impact’s Release

On September 28, 2020, Genshin Impact was formally released after a number of beta testing phases. Several platforms, including Windows, PlayStation 4, iOS, and Android, were used to make the game available. Both players and journalists immediately praised the game’s large open-world setting, engaging gameplay mechanics, and compelling plot, solidifying its position as a dominant force in the gaming market.

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Genshin Impact’s Immediate Impact

With a claimed 17 million downloads in the first four days after release, the game’s release made an immediate influence on the gaming community. It gained notoriety due to its distinctive combination of open-world exploration, an elemental-based combat system, and a wide range of characters. A sizable player base was further enticed by the game’s availability for free.

Subsequent Releases: The Introduction of New Content

Genshin Impact has continued to get updates since its initial release, adding new characters, items, missions, and events. These upgrades have taken the shape of versions, each of which has significantly improved the game. As of this writing, the game is in Version 2.1, and miHoYo regularly adds new regions for players to explore, the most recent of which being the Japanese-inspired Inazuma region.

Release on Additional Platforms

On April 28, 2021, Genshin Impact was subsequently made playable on the PlayStation 5, expanding the game’s audience. The game takes advantage of the PlayStation 5’s sophisticated features to give improved graphics, quicker loading times, and a more seamless gaming experience. A Nintendo Switch version is also in the works, though no clear date has been set for its release on that system.

Global Acclaim and Recognition

Genshin Impact has won multiple awards since its release, including Google Play’s Best Game of 2020 and Apple’s iPhone Game of the Year. Despite having a free-to-play business model, the game is immensely popular among players worldwide thanks to its appealing aesthetics, captivating plot, and creative gaming features.


In conclusion, Genshin Impact, which debuted on September 28, 2020, spread like wildfire over the world. In particular for free-to-play games, its release on the gaming market represented a crucial turning point for open-world RPGs. The ongoing additions and upgrades entice players and keep the game’s popularity high by promising an unlimited future of exploration in the Teyvat universe. Genshin Impact’s release and the ensuing buzz it generated in the gaming world are testaments to both the quality of the game and the developers’ dedication to provide a dynamic and engaging gaming experience.

Written By:

Shane Coleman

Meet Shane Coleman, a passionate journalist with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for the stories that shape our world. With years of experience in the field of journalism, Shane has made it his mission to provide readers with accurate, timely, and thought-provoking news articles that help them make sense of a rapidly changing world.
when did genshin impact come out
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