Tuesdays With Morrie Quiz – Book Trivia Quizzes


Take this Tuesdays With Morrie Quiz to find out how well you remember the book. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

The narrator of the book, Mitch Albom, remembers his Brandeis University graduation in the spring of 1979. Mitch approaches his favorite lecturer, Morrie Schwartz, after receiving his diploma and gives him a monogrammed briefcase. Mitch enrolls in practically all of the sociology classes Morrie used to teach while at Brandeis. He makes the grieving Morrie a promise that he will stay in touch, but he breaks his word. Years after Mitch graduated from Brandeis, Morrie is forced to give up dancing because he has been given the diagnosis of ALS, a disabling condition that renders his “spirit, totally awake, imprisoned inside a limp shell” of a body. Charlotte, Morrie’s wife, takes care of him even though she continues to work as a professor at M.I.T. per his request.

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After graduating from Brandeis sixteen years ago, Mitch is dissatisfied with the path he has chosen. Mitch gives up his struggling music career after his uncle passes away from pancreatic cancer in order to work as a well-paid journalist for a Detroit newspaper. Despite spending all of his time at work and away on reporting assignments, Mitch assures his wife Janine that they will someday have children. Also, you must try to play this Tuesdays With Morrie quiz.

Tuesdays With Morrie quiz

Mitch once hears Morrie’s voice while changing the channels on his television. Ted Koppel, with whom Morrie rapidly becomes friends, is interviewing him for the first of three appearances on the television show “Nightline.” Morrie surprised and comforts the renowned newscaster when he inquires about something “dear to his heart” before agreeing to be interviewed. When Mitch sees his former professor on television, he is astounded. This Tuesdays With Morrie quiz will help you remember certain details.


Mitch Albom

The book’s narrator is Morrie’s former Brandeis University student. He is repulsed by his desire for worldly success and fortune after giving up his aspirations of becoming a well-known musician because neither of these things can satisfy the emptiness and dissatisfaction he feels. After working himself nearly to death, he is suddenly laid off when the newspaper staff for which he writes goes on strike. He learns from Morrie every Tuesday that he needs to reevaluate his life and put more emphasis on happiness and love than on success.

Morrie Schwartz

Morrie, the protagonist of the book and Mitch’s favorite professor from Brandeis University, has ALS, a crippling, incurable disease that destroys him physically but cruelly leaves him mentally intact. He had taught sociology at Brandeis and now teaches Mitch about “The Meaning of Life” and how to deal with aging and death. He thrives on physical contact as a baby would after a childhood where affection was mainly missing. He loves to dance and listen to music, and since his illness started, he has also developed a tendency to cry easily. Instead of suppressing his feelings, he expresses them freely, rejects prevailing cultural conventions, and develops his own set of values. He is portrayed by Mitch as a man of unsurpassed wisdom.

Ted Koppel

Koppel, one of the most well-known living television interviewers, speaks with Morrie three times for the news program “Nightline.” Although he seems to enjoy Morrie right away and soon starts to refer to him as a friend, he is astonished when Morrie asks him personal questions right after they have met. Having dissected what Morrie had referred to as his “narcissistic” television character, he was touched to the point of tears during his final interview with Morrie.

About the Tuesdays With Morrie quiz

15 multiple-choice questions in the free Tuesdays With Morrie quiz below will help you gauge your knowledge of the book. Determine which chapters, ideas, and writing techniques you already understand, as well as what you still need to learn in preparation for your forthcoming essay, midterm, or final test. Now take the free test!

For more trivia quizzes check this: Twelfth Night Quiz.

Written By:

Ortensio Toscani

Meet Ortensio Toscani, a passionate bibliophile and a literary quizmaster extraordinaire, known for his talent in crafting thought-provoking questions that delve deep into the world of books. Born and raised amidst the artistic and historical backdrop of Italy, Ortensio's love for literature and the written word has evolved into a dedicated mission to share the wonders of books with enthusiasts worldwide.
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