Take this Toxic Trait Quiz to find out which one is yours. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.
Certain behaviors only serve to drag you down, hold you back, and cause you to suffer. These behaviors, whether displayed by you or another significant figure in your life, can rightfully be classified as toxic due to their negative impact on your mental health and well-being.
They have the ability to drain your joy and happiness and replace it with stress, anger, sadness, and other unpleasant emotions. If you can get rid of these, you will notice a huge difference in how you see and interact with the world around you.
The first step in such a mental cleanse is to identify which toxic behaviors exist in your life. The following is a list of 30 of the most common and destructive.
Other People’s Manipulation
Being manipulated is never fun, and when taken to its logical conclusion, it can destroy a person’s sense of self. From the other side, it may appear that you can get more of what you want by taking advantage of others, but you are being duped by the promise of external virtues. Manipulation of others will never provide you with the inner fulfillment you seek because your gains will be tainted by the grief and misery you inflict.
All types of relationships are built on mutual trust to some extent, which is why lies can cause so much destruction and heartache. It is not always easy, to be honest, but it is generally the best option for your long-term health and happiness. Even if the truth is painful, it is preferable to living a lie or having that lie discovered later. Lying to yourself is just as bad as lying to others; you will not find lasting peace if you deny who you truly are. Also, you must try to play this Toxic Trait quiz.
When you’re feeling insecure and under pressure, it’s all too easy to be cruel and spiteful. Small mistakes are understandable, but relying on being mean to others to boost your self-esteem can be extremely detrimental to your life. It is extremely unappealing and can isolate you as others distance themselves from your malicious ways. It is also far less effective in making yourself feel better than more positive acts.
While you should not be a people pleaser, acting selfishly and egocentrically is equally detrimental to your mental health. This only serves to drive people away, including those who may have once cared deeply for you. Focusing on one’s own interests destroys trust and respect and leads to shallow relationships with others.
A Sense of Righteousness
When you live your life believing that you are owed something, you will feel a constant sense of deficiency. As fortunate as most of us are to have clean water, a roof over our heads, and food on the table, there is no natural law stating that everyone is entitled to a certain standard of living. You may wish for more money, better living conditions, and more extravagant experiences, but you should expect to work hard to obtain these.
Toxic Trait Quiz
Both cheating on another person in the context of a relationship and cheating your way through other aspects of life will not benefit you mentally. Even if you are never caught, you will always be aware that you cheated, and it will haunt you for the rest of your life. You may gain some short-term benefits from it, but cheating in any form will come back to haunt you.
One of the primary reasons we judge others is due to our own arrogance. Most people would describe believing yourself to be superior or more important than others as an undesirable trait. People are turned off by arrogant behavior, not least because it is frequently associated with a lack of compassion and the selfishness described above.
Being excessively competitive
An intense competitive streak is one of the main roads leading to arrogance. While having a competitive side is not inherently bad or unhealthy, it can sometimes lead to fractious interactions with others. Take things too far, and you become someone who many people find difficult to relate to. You are also more likely to succumb to perfectionism and struggle to function when faced with failure. You need to take this toxic trait quiz to find yours.
When you are jealous, you believe that your enjoyment or possession of something is being threatened by a third party. You resent someone else gaining what you already have, and this can manifest itself in spiteful attempts to prevent them from gaining access. This is distinct from envy, in which you may not begrudge someone else’s enjoyment but wish to partake in it as well (see the very first point on comparing yourself to others).
Accusing Others of Your Misfortune
Things may not always go as planned, and there may be times when it appears that the entire world is collapsing around you, but blaming someone else will not make you feel any better. Not only will you resent that person, but by refusing to accept responsibility, you risk losing the meaning that self-determination can bring to your life. If everything is always someone else’s fault, you start to feel powerless and unable to choose your own path.
Keeping a grudge
When someone wrongs you, your first instinct may be to hold it against them for a long time. What you may not realize is that as long as you are unable to forgive them for the harm they have caused, you will carry it with you in your mind and heart. Because the burden of harm will be heavier on you, the gift of forgiveness is one you give to yourself.
About the quiz
Being excessively competitive
An intense competitive streak is one of the main roads leading to arrogance. While having a competitive side is not inherently bad or unhealthy, it can sometimes lead to fractious interactions with others. Take things too far, and you become someone who many people find difficult to relate to. You are also more likely to succumb to perfectionism and struggle to function when faced with failure.
When you are jealous, you believe that your enjoyment or possession of something is being threatened by a third party. You resent someone else gaining what you already have, and this can manifest itself in spiteful attempts to prevent them from gaining access. This is distinct from envy, in which you may not begrudge someone else’s enjoyment but wish to partake in it as well (see the very first point on comparing yourself to others).
Accusing Others of Your Misfortune
Things may not always go as planned, and there may be times when it appears that the entire world is collapsing around you, but blaming someone else will not make you feel any better. Not only will you resent that person, but by refusing to accept responsibility, you risk losing the meaning that self-determination can bring to your life. If everything is always someone else’s fault, you start to feel powerless and unable to choose your own path.
Keeping a grudge
When someone wrongs you, your first instinct may be to hold it against them for a long time. What you may not realize is that as long as you are unable to forgive them for the harm they have caused, you will carry it with you in your mind and heart. Because the burden of harm will be heavier on you, the gift of forgiveness is one you give to yourself.
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