The Seven Samurai Quiz – Which Character Are You?


Take this The Seven Samurai quiz to find out which character from The Seven Samurai you are. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

Japan in the sixteenth century. It’s a dark time in Japan with a weak shogun in charge and lords who want to settle ancient scores. It is not uncommon to see wandering Samurai (ronin) hunting for labor, as well as thieves who prey on the helpless.

Some of the weak and defenseless in a certain village suffer at the hands of local thugs. However, they decide to take action and hire a group of samurai to protect themselves. In what way will they fund the protection they are requesting? There are plenty of hungry Samurai out there!

Kambei Shimada, a peasant protector, seems to be more prevalent than you may imagine (Takashi Shimura).

A total of six more samurai join the group under his guidance: Toshiro Mifune plays Kikuchiyo, an orphaned farmer who has decided to “pass” as a warrior.

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It takes them a long time to win over their hosts despite their deep skepticism. Katsushiro falls in love with one of the local peasant girls (Keiko Tsushima) along the way. In a move that will leave no one in tears or pain. Also, you must try to play The Seven Samurai quiz.

The Seven Samurai quiz

In addition to being a brilliant picture in its own right, Akira Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai” (1954) helped create a genre that would last for the rest of the twentieth century. ‘The Magnificent Seven’ and ‘The Guns of Navarone’ were direct Hollywood remakes, as were ‘The Dirty Dozen’ and a host of other combat, robbery, and caper films that followed, according to reviewer Michael Jeck. Yojimbo, Kurosawa’s 1960 samurai adventure film, inspired George Lucas to create the spaghetti western, as well as “The Hidden Fortress” and “Star Wars.”

Just as a by-product of his primary goal. This greatest of filmmakers created jobs for action heroes for the following fifty years.

A samurai film that was rooted in old Japanese culture, yet called for a flexible humanism in place of strict customs, was the goal of the project. Samurai and the villagers who employ them must never interact, according to one of the core truths of “Seven Samurai.” This is confirmed when we find that one of the villagers is terrified that a samurai will kidnap his daughter.

Samurai, on the other hand, are hired, revered, and despised in nearly equal proportion because outlaws pose a greater threat.

Why do they take the job? Why do they want it? Because they are willing to risk their lives every day for a small amount of rice. This is the nature and job of the Samurai. As Noel Burch points out in the Distant Observer.

About the quiz

They are suffering enormous losses, and there must be undefended villages nearby. Similar to Greek tragedy characters, they play the parts they have been allotted.

To save a tiny boy from banditry, they encounter a Samurai named Kambei. Social hierarchies and shallow notions of dignity are less important to him than accomplishing good things In exchange for food alone, he offers to protect their town but warns they would need seven samurai in all. Kambei begins a search and gradually assembles a ragtag group of samurai who are willing to help and who share his views on morals and what honor really is.

Heihachi is charismatic and witty, making up for his lack of swordsmanship; Shichiroji is kind but serious; Kyuzo is a master swordsman who is both reserved and quiet, and Katsushiro is a young eager apprentice who is both immature and inexperienced; Kikuchiyo, a drunken warrior, shows up at Kambei’s inn and requests to join him.

After Kambei insulted him after he sought to challenge Kambei out of pride, he and Kambei have already crossed paths. Later, it would be revealed that he was born a farmer, which explains in part why he has such an attitude.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Bridge On The River Kwai Quiz.

Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
the seven samurai quiz
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