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One Punch Man Quiz: Can You Get 100%


In this one punch man quiz, we will test your knowledge of this incredible anime. Answer all the questions correctly and obtain Saitama’s powers.

Starting as a webcomic, One-Punch Man has quickly become one of the most popular manga and anime series out there. At its heart, it’s a spoof of superheroes with fantastic action scenes and self-aware moments that will hook everyone in, whether they watch anime regularly or not. Only one Hero, however, did not sign up to the Hero Association.

With the ability to knock out enemies with a single stroke, this Hero is becoming increasingly bored, always finding stronger enemies to take down. But his actions go unnoticed by the general public before he crosses the paths of another hero who needs to be stronger in order to avenge the deaths of his loved ones. If you think you can name all the main characters in this series, then come and take this quiz and find out!

Editor’s Picks

Feared by Saitama, one beast is trying to flee after the leader has been killed. He’s trying to get to his master and tell him about Saitama’s overwhelming power, but he’s stopping Saitama. Also, this is probably one of the most engaging quizzes you will play today.

One Punch Man quiz

Three years before the One-Punch Man cases, a qualified wage-earner attempted to apply for a number of jobs but had no chances. After saving a little boy, however, he chooses to become a hero instead. So the man undergoes a rigorous training routine to become even stronger, which includes: 100 push-ups sit-ups, run 10 kilometers, and eat well. He also does not use the air conditioner or heater in his apartment to remain mentally concentrated.

While going to the grocery store Saitama sees a pack of frozen crab claws. He thinks about the time he had hair and encountered a mutant who was human. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this quiz.

After destroying much of City-A, the invading beast marches towards a little girl who cries out for her parents to see humans as a plague on the earth. But just as he’s about to kill her, someone runs in and saves the girl.

Thinking it’s a cyborg-like himself Genos battles against a creature cutting off its arms and removing its mask. Finding that the beast has more mechanical parts than the others combined. Meanwhile, one of the beasts incapacitates Saitama, and that gives a chance for the other monsters to attack him. This gives Saitama enough time to escape and kill the monster. You should definitely check this famous One Punch Man quiz to try it for yourself, I bet you will have a great time.

Can you name all the characters?

One-Punch Man is one of the best animes I’ve seen in recent memory for a multitude of reasons. Next, it’s a show that knows when not to take it seriously. In a time when most of the anime are either deadly serious or flat out humorous, One Punch Man manages to combine the two perfectly. This is due to the fact that the main character of the show, our bald head of Saitama, is so ridiculously overpowered. That his adventures become farcical in nature but still retain an overwhelming sense of awe and strength. Also, we will test your knowledge in this quiz.

The best part about this anime is that Saitama knows that he is too strong which leads to very funny moments. Be warned: the spoilers are lying ahead! This quiz will help you remember certain details.

I would like to send a special shout out to the One Punch Man Subreddit for adding their opinions to what they wanted to see in this quiz. Let’s hope any of your suggestions made the final cut!

In the first episode of the anime, we’re introduced to Saitama and his amazing abilities and strength. He’s bored with his tremendous power, which leaves him feeling unfulfilled and bored. A few episodes later, we finally learn the story of Saitama’s three-year transformation into the hero we know today. What was the exercise routine of Saitama? Hint: It is imperative that you never use air conditioning or heating equipment during the summer and winter.

What should we expect from One Punch Man

After they defeat Vaccine Man there is another beast that is attacking the town and he is a giant that is carrying a smaller human on his shoulders. His aim was to take over the universe that he is trying to do in the present, but Saitama is stopping him. You must try to play this quiz.

Saitama wakes up from his sleep by a sudden earthquake. He looks out and sees people being threatened by huge creatures claiming they intend to take over the planet. Immediately, Saitama defeats them only to find them harder than the normal opponents he fights. So he battles on and comes across the leader of the monsters, who are huge in size.

One summer day, while Saitama washed his plants, he saw a mosquito land on his side. He’s trying to kill it, but no matter what the mosquito does, it avoids him. Soon enough, swarms of mosquitoes begin to appear led by a monster who orders them to suck more blood from their victims. A cyborg then emerges and tries to kill the creature by firing lasers from his hands. They don’t seem to hit it, however, as it easily escapes blasts.

Dr. Kusen, a scientist who firmly believes in injustice, not just to keep him alive. The teenager arrives in City-Z with the intention of locating and destroying the cyborg. But, if you are a fan it should be easy to answer the quiz questions.

Each level is comparable in destructive scale to the DEFCON framework used to classify threats in the real world. For the heroes of the OPM universe, such degrees of danger are not worth wasting time.

For more anime quizzes check this: Dragon Ball Z quiz.

Written By:

Ralph Kilpatrick

Meet Ralph Kilpatrick, a dedicated anime enthusiast and a masterful quiz author with a talent for crafting intriguing questions that celebrate the magic of Japanese animation. Born and raised in the United States, Ralph's love for anime and its captivating storytelling has driven him to become your trusted guide in this journey through the anime universe.
one punch man quiz
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