Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Quiz – Which Character Are You?


Take this Mr. Smith Goes to Washington quiz to find out which character from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington you are. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

a goofy, idealistic young leader named Jefferson Smith (played by James Stewart) is appointed to the U.S. Senate by his state’s political authorities with the belief that Jefferson Smith will prove to be a reliable stooge. It’s not until his supporters, as well as California’s senior senator (Claude Rains), turn on him that they see the error of their ways — and that he’ll have to pay the price for it. Jeanne Arthur, Smith’s secretary, convinces him to stage a continuous filibuster against Washington’s corrupt system, which nearly leads to Smith’s departure from the city.

This sequence is one of the few in cinema history in which the outcome depends on a legislative technique. And Smith successfully exposes and defeats the attempted corruption.

Noteworthy is the fact that then-US ambassador to the United Kingdom, Joseph P. Kennedy, tried to prevent its dissemination overseas.

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Governor Hopper is also under pressure from his children, who want him to elect Jefferson Smith as the new leader of the Boy Rangers organization. Someone who won’t ask questions regarding the Willet Creek Dam, a project designed to make Jim Taylor some more money, must be chosen by Hopper for this position.

FrieMr. Smith Goes to Washington ds quiz

Hopper makes his decision based on a coin flip and selects Jefferson Smith. As a result of his fathers’ friendship, Smith likes Paine and he becomes attracted to Smith’s daughter, Susan.

The corruption in Washington has gotten to Clarissa Saunders, who sends Smith to a news conference where she knows he would put his foot in his mouth, being the buffoon he is. When he is introduced to the Senate, he is treated with mockery and scorn. He offers writing a bill when Smith complains to him about his treatment, assuming it will keep Smith busy enough to stop asking questions. Also, you must try to play this Mr. Smith Goes to Washington quiz.

As Capra’s earlier films have shown, the film has a huge amount of dramatic power.

When faced with the harsh political system of his own state, Stewart fights valiantly and with conviction. A shrewd and cynical senate secretary, Jean Arthur is a delight to watch in her role as someone who knows the political ropes of Washington.

It has a strong supporting cast that lives up to Capra’s earlier films.

Thomas Mitchell and Harry Carey steal the show in the film with their standout performances. Mrs. Arthur’s boyfriend and a frequently inebriated newspaper reporter, Mitchell, is Miss Arthur. In a cafe booth, Pair had a hilarious drinking episode. In her role as vice president and presiding officer of the Senate, Carey is outstanding. During the filibuster, his shrewd assessment of the young senator’s honesty, as well as his assistance in unsettling the staid members of the chamber, are highlighted.

About the quiz

Together with Saunders, Smith drafts legislation to authorize a federal loan to purchase land in his native state and build a boys’ camp.

He and Taylor manufacture evidence that Smith is the owner of the land he’s seeking to sell back to the state, which they then present to the government. Paine’s actions leave Smith stunned and hurt, and he flees from the Senate as a result.

Hubert “Happy” Hopper (Guy Kibbee), the governor of an unidentified western state, has to choose a replacement for the recently deceased U.S. Senator Sam Foley. Despite the fact that popular committees favor reformer Henry Hill, his corrupt political boss, Jim Taylor (Edward Arnold), is pressuring Hopper to nominate his hand-picked puppet. Hopper, unable to decide between Taylor’s stooge and the reformer, flips a coin.

His naiveté, on the other hand, makes him simple to influence.

Joseph Paine (Claude Rains), Smith’s late father’s buddy, is a public hero, but a criminal in the shadows. A strong attraction develops between Smith and the senator’s daughter, Susan (Astrid Allwyn). Smith holds a discussion with Susan at Senator Paine’s house, fidgeting and stumbling, captivated by the young socialite’s charm. Awash in Washington press, Smith’s naivete and honesty make him easy prey for the harsh press, which swiftly tarnished his reputation with absurd front-page pictures and headlines calling him an idiot.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Bridge On The River Kwai Quiz.

Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
mr smith goes to washington quiz
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