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Is My Hair Thick Or Thin Quiz


Take this Is My Hair Thick Or Thin Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

Contrary to popular belief, having your hair tie stretched to the breaking point does not necessarily imply that you have thick hair. No offense, but your hair may simply be dense. Why is this significant, you may ask? If you understand the structure of your hair, you’ll be able to determine which hairstyles will work best for you.

Hair density and hair thickness are not the same thing; rather, they work together to create the profile of your hair. Thickness refers to the actual width of a single strand of hair, whereas density refers to how close your hair follicles are together. This means that you can have fine hair that is also very dense.

Editor’s Picks

If you have naturally straight hair, it is more likely to be denser than curly or afro hair.

Fact: The average person has approximately 100,000 strands of hair on their head, which can vary depending on natural hair color! Redheads have approximately 90,000 strands, while blondes have nearly twice as many, at 150,000.

Is My Hair Thick Or Thin Quiz

You can determine whether your hair is thick or dense on your own. Also, you must try to play this Is My Hair Thick Or Thin Quiz.

To determine the density

Measure the circumference of your ponytail as one method. The result is low density if it is less than two inches, medium density if it is two to three inches, and high density if it is more than three inches.

If your hair is too short to be pulled into a ponytail, do the following: Look in the mirror with your hair down and see if you can see patches of your scalp through it without parting it. If you can, your hair has low density.

To determine the thickness

Pluck a strand of hair from the center of your head (where it is more likely to be fully developed) and compare it to a sewing thread. If the strand is the same width, you have thick hair; if it is much narrower, you have thin hair.

If you don’t want to pull strands out of your scalp, roll a single strand between your fingers (while it’s still attached to your head). If you can’t really feel anything, the strands are probably fine.

About the quiz

Hairstyles based on density

High-density hair can sometimes appear too big and voluminous, so choose a style with graduating layers, such as the inverted bob, where the back is shorter than the front.

A straight cut can do wonders to liven up your locks and add some weight if you want to add more volume to your hair due to low density.

Hairstyles based on the thickness

An angled bob or lob (long bob) are the best haircuts for fine hair because they make your locks appear thicker – make sure to request blunt ends from your hairdresser for added fullness.

There are a few things you can do to “remove” the excess weight from thick hair, such as avoiding blunt ends and asking your stylist to thin out the ends. Bangs can help to take some of the weight off of your hair’s main body.

For more personality and trivia quizzes check this: Gen Z Or Millennial Quiz

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
is my hair thick or thin quiz
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