Is Genshin Impact On Switch? Is It Coming To Nintendo?


No, it’s not. While it has been confirmed that Genshin Impact will come to the Nintendo Switch, no release date has been given as of yet.

Genshin Impact, a free-to-play action RPG from miHoYo, is among the most popular and highly-rated games across several platforms. The game’s expansive, picturesque open world and engaging gameplay have made it a fan favorite. But the question on the minds of many Nintendo enthusiasts is, “Is Genshin Impact on Switch?” As of now, the answer is still a little uncertain.

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Genshin Impact: An Overview

In September 2020, Genshin Impact made its debut and immediately rose to become one of the biggest video game successes of the year. Players of the game, referred to as “Travelers,” are given the opportunity to travel across all seven of Teyvat’s vast and fantastical realms. It includes both single-player and multiplayer modes and incorporates elemental reaction-based action-based combat and exploration.

Related: Is Genshin Impact Multiplayer?

Genshin Impact and Nintendo Switch: A Promised Collaboration

MiHoYo stated intentions to make Genshin Impact available on the Nintendo Switch back in 2020. Given the popularity of the game and the possibility for its open-world exploration on the Switch platform, this news generated enthusiasm among Nintendo fans. The highly anticipating fans have been waiting for a particular release date, which has not yet been revealed.

Delays and Challenges

Genshin Impact’s Switch release has been confirmed, however there has been a delay due to technical difficulties, according to the developers. The game’s dynamic open-world exploration and high-quality graphics demand a lot of computing power, which makes it difficult to optimize for the Switch platform. Players are waiting with anticipation as miHoYo has not yet revealed any new information regarding the development of the Switch version.

Genshin Impact on Other Platforms

While Genshin Impact’s Switch release has been delayed, its player base is still growing on other platforms. Currently, PlayStation 4, iOS, Android, and PC users can play the game. Additionally, it has cross-play capabilities that let gamers from different platforms join forces and play together.

What Can Players Expect When Genshin Impact Releases on Switch?

When the Switch version does release, users may anticipate exploring the expansive Teyvat universe whether docked or on the fly. The captivating gameplay and gorgeous aesthetics of Genshin Impact should provide a similar immersive gaming experience to other platforms on the Nintendo Switch.


In conclusion, even though Genshin Impact’s arrival on the Nintendo Switch has been confirmed, no release date has been announced so far. The release of this well-known game on the Switch platform is still highly anticipated by players. When the game finally launches on Nintendo’s console, it is anticipated to enthrall the platform’s gaming community.

Written By:

Shane Coleman

Meet Shane Coleman, a passionate journalist with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for the stories that shape our world. With years of experience in the field of journalism, Shane has made it his mission to provide readers with accurate, timely, and thought-provoking news articles that help them make sense of a rapidly changing world.
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