How Long Does It Take To Beat Undertale?


The time it takes to beat Undertale can vary significantly based on your gameplay. On average, a player might spend between 6 to 10 hours to beat the game.

One of the many questions gamers ask when they consider playing a new game is, “How long does it take to beat?” This article focuses on the game Undertale, a unique and popular indie game developed by Toby Fox.

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Understanding the Game Length

The decision to begin a game might be greatly influenced by its length. While some people favor short games that can be finished in a few hours, others could prefer lengthy games that take many hours to complete. According to the player’s decisions and preferred gameplay style, Undertale’s completion time can vary greatly.

Average Playtime

According to a number of reports, Undertale can be played for an average of six to 10 hours. This assessment takes into account gamers who are taking their time to read the storyline and are playing the game for the first time.

Speed Runs and Completionists

Nevertheless, a player’s strategy for the game will have a big impact on this average playtime. For instance, if a player chooses to speedrun Undertale, they can finish it in under four hours. In order to complete the game as quickly as possible, speedrunners frequently skip over optional content and concentrate on the most direct routes to victory.

On the other hand, a player who is a completionist and wants to experience all that Undertale has to offer may need up to 15 hours to complete the game. This entails finishing every side mission, collecting every item, and following every possible narrative path.

Multiple Endings and Playthroughs

A game like Undertale is made to be played repeatedly. Players are advised to play through Undertale numerous times in order to fully experience everything the game has to offer due to its multiple endings and the opportunity to alter the game environment through your decisions. As a result, playing Undertale can take much longer than the initial playthrough indicates.


In conclusion, depending on your playing style, it can take a lot longer or shorter to complete Undertale. It typically takes a player six to ten hours to complete a game. While a completionist playthrough might take up to 15 hours, a speedrun might be able to reduce this to under four hours. Be prepared to devote more time to the game if you want to see all of the various Undertale intricacies and endings. Take your time to immerse yourself in Undertale’s distinct world because the game is one that is meant to be enjoyed and played repeatedly.

Written By:

Shane Coleman

Meet Shane Coleman, a passionate journalist with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for the stories that shape our world. With years of experience in the field of journalism, Shane has made it his mission to provide readers with accurate, timely, and thought-provoking news articles that help them make sense of a rapidly changing world.
how long does it take to beat undertale
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