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Are You An Angel Or Devil Quiz – Find Now


Take this Are You An Angel Or Devil Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

Archangel Lucifer (whose name means “light-bearer”) is a contentious angel who some believe is the evilest living being in the universe — Satan (the devil) — while others believe is simply an angelic being characterized by pride and power.

According to popular belief, Lucifer is a fallen angel (a demon) who leads other demons to hell and works to harm humans. Lucifer was once one of the most powerful archangels, and he shone brightly in heaven, as his name suggests. Lucifer, on the other hand, was affected by God’s pride and jealousy. Lucifer chose to rebel against God because he desired absolute power for himself. He started a war in heaven, which led to his downfall and the downfall of other angels who sided with him and became demons as a result. As the ultimate liar, Lucifer (later renamed Satan) twists spiritual truth in order to lead as many people as possible away from God.

Editor’s Picks

Many people believe that the fallen angels’ work has only brought about evil and destruction in the world, so they try to protect themselves from them by resisting their influence and casting them out of their lives. Others believe that by invoking Lucifer and the angelic beings he leads, they can gain valuable spiritual power for themselves. Also, you must try to play this Are You An Angel Or Devil Quiz.

Are You An Angel Or Devil Quiz


Lucifer is frequently depicted in art with a grotesque expression on his face to show the destructive effect of his rebellion on him. He may also be depicted as falling from heaven, standing inside a ring of fire (which represents hell), or wielding horns and a pitchfork. Prior to his fall, Lucifer appears as an angel with an extremely bright face.

Black is the color of his energy.

Religious Texts’ Role

Some Jews and Christians believe that the Torah’s and the Bible’s Isaiah 14:12-15 refer to Lucifer as a being “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!” he said, referring to his rebellion against God. You, who once laid low the nations, have been cast down to the earth! ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the highest heights of Mount Zaphon,’ you said in your heart. ‘I will ascend above the clouds, and I will become like the Highest.’ However, you are transported to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.”

When Jesus Christ says in Luke 10:18, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven,” he is referring to Lucifer (Satan). Revelation 12:7-9, a later passage in the Bible, describes Satan’s fall from heaven: “Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought the dragon, who fought back with his angels. But he wasn’t strong enough, and they were kicked out of heaven. The great dragon was slain, that ancient serpent known as the devil, or Satan, who leads the entire world astray. He and his angels were thrown to the ground.”

About the quiz

Muslims, who call Lucifer Iblis, believe he is a jinn rather than an angel. Angels do not have free will in Islam; they do whatever God commands them to do. Jinns are spiritual beings with the ability to choose. In chapter 2 (Al-Baqarah), verse 35 of the Qur’an, Iblis responds to God with arrogance: “Recall that when we told the angels to submit to Adam, they all did, except Iblis; he refused and was arrogant, being already one of the disbelievers.” Later, in chapter 7 (Al-Araf), verses 12–18, the Qur’an provides a more detailed account of what happened between God and Iblis: “‘What prevented thee from submitting when I commanded thee?’ Allah inquired. ‘I am better than him,’ he retorted. Thou hast made me of fire, while thou hast made him of clay.’ ‘In that case, depart from here,’ Allah said. It would behoove thee not to be arrogant in this situation. ‘Get out, thou art undoubtedly one of the despised.’ ‘Grant me respite until the day when they shall be raised up,’ Iblis begged. ‘Thou hast been granted respite,’ Allah said. ‘Since thou hast brought about my ruin, I will certainly lie in wait for them on thy straight path, and will approach them fore and aft, and from the right and left, and thou wilt does not find most of them grateful,’ said Iblis. ‘Get out, despised and banished,’ Allah said. Whoever follows thee should be aware that I will surely fill hell with you all.'”

The Doctrine and Covenants, a scriptural book from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, describes Lucifer’s fall in chapter 76, referring to him as “an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son whom the Father loved” in verse 25 and referring to him as “Lucifer, a son of the morning” in verse 26.

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Written By:

Carma Casey

Prepare for an exciting journey through a world of diverse knowledge and fun quizzes with Carma Casey, the creative mind behind captivating general quizzes. Hailing from the United States, Carma invites you to challenge your intellect, test your curiosity, and have a blast exploring a wide range of topics through her engaging quizzes.
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