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Are You A Good Kisser Quiz – Test Yourself


Take this Are You A Good Kisser Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

What does it mean to be a “good” kisser? A good kisser is someone who kisses the same way you do. As a result, anyone can be an excellent kisser to someone. However, if you do insane things, there won’t be many people who think you’re great. Most people, I’ve discovered, aren’t that bad at kissing. Surprisingly, a large percentage of them are rather decent. When you meet a 37-year-old who is dreadful, you wonder, “How did you get to this age, still slobbering?” A couple of pushy Italians have stuck their tongues down my esophagus, behind my upper lip, and all over my chin. And I wondered, “On what lady does this work?” Nonetheless, they continue to kiss in this manner.

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Anyway, here are 7 evidence that you’re an “excellent” kisser in the eyes of the general public.

You’re on the same wavelength as him (or her).

I’m not sure if it’s chemistry, instinct, or something else, but two individuals often know what to do—that is, one person’s lips always match the other’s. It’s possible that one person is technically following the other with their lips, but it doesn’t feel that way. You simply open your jaws at the same time and to the same circumference. You’re kissing the same person. Also, you must try to play this Are You A Good Kisser Quiz.

Are You A Good Kisser Quiz

You do not kiss everyone in the same way.

If you’re in sync with one guy, you can’t kiss in the same way with another. There are subtle differences in style, but with chemistry—or whatever it is—you adapt immediately.

You do not bite or suck your upper or lower lip.

People attempt to be fancy, but it’s not impressive, in my opinion. If a guy deviates from the path, it causes you to pause and ponder, and you don’t want to be pausing or thinking. You either wait to see what he’s doing or wait for it to be over. That’s like a choreographer altering the dance. You must pause and observe. Then you’re no longer in sync. Someone is performing a solo act.

After the age of 25, you keep your mouth shut.

I recall there being a lot more tongue-in-cheek in college. Nowadays, it’s largely a chewing motion without a tongue. Maybe a little tongue, but it doesn’t leave your mouth; it merely greets you at the entrance. During its college years, the tongue undertakes a lot of work. It does the circle thing, which is good but ultimately a solo act (see above), unless you both take turns, which is also fine but needless, and can be gross with a guy you’re ambivalent about.

About the quiz

You apply lip balm!

When someone licks his lips right before kissing you, it’s distracting. People, just use Chapstick. Lip licking dries you out even more. (Click on the links below for a list of your favorite smoochable lip balms, how to cure cracked lips (for real), and bacon-flavored lip balm!)

You understand how to unwind.

Don’t strain your lips; instead, relax them. The pressure should be comparable to that used to apply the aforementioned lip balm. It should not be overly harsh or too soft. I usually suspect a guy isn’t into it if he’s too delicate and light, as if I’m kissing a feather about to drift away.

Keep in mind that it makes no difference if you have small lips and he has large lips or vice versa.

So keep your cool and do your thing. And when I say “you’re,” I mean “yours.” Do your thing together and in harmony, both of you!

For more personality and trivia quizzes check this: Which President Are You Quiz

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
are you a good kisser quiz
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