How Sexually Experienced Are You Quiz


Take this How Sexually Experienced Are You Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

Consider your very first sexual experience. What do you recall? How did it make you feel? Did it live up to expectations? Was it exciting and fun? Or was it uncomfortable or unwelcome? Perhaps it was merely unremarkable?

While there are countless ways we could have had our first sexual encounter, we rarely think about asking teenagers and young adults how pleasurable their experience was, or what might have allowed the sensation of sexual pleasure to occur.

Editor’s Picks

The Research

The authors of a new study published in The Journal of Sex Research did a fast evaluation of studies published between 1990 and 2020 that investigated sexual satisfaction during first sexual experiences.

All articles had to be written in English, and the title and abstract had to include a reference to first sexual experience and sexual pleasure. The final sample consisted of 23 publications, 16 of which were quantitative (n = 16), 6 of which were qualitative (n = 6), and 1 of which was mixed-methods (n = 1).

While the authors examined a broad definition of “sex” in order to be as comprehensive as feasible (i.e., allowing for oral and anal sex as well as penile-vaginal intercourse), they discovered that 17 of the 23 studies utilized penile-vaginal intercourse as the definition of first sexual encounter. Also, you must try to play this How Sexually Experienced Are You Quiz.

How Sexually Experienced Are You Quiz


The authors point out that people’s and studies’ definitions of sexual enjoyment differ in their sample. Satisfaction, enjoyment, happiness, and good emotional reactions to initial sexual experiences were the most commonly used phrases to define sexual pleasure.

They then dug further to learn more about what makes the sexual pleasure more likely to occur during a first sexual experience.


Across studies, young men and boys were more likely than young women to report happy and pleasurable first sexual experiences. Boys and young men frequently indicated that their first sexual experience was a rite of passage that provided both psychological and physical fulfillment. Women and girls’ first sexual encounters, on the other hand, were more frequently described as negative and were frequently accompanied by feelings of guilt, anguish, and regret.


The participants in the studies were mostly high school and college students. Regardless of the age range studied, the authors discovered that older age was more positively connected with sexual enjoyment, while other research discovered that lower age (e.g., 15 and younger) was also associated with sexual pleasure. They point out that, while age appears to play a role, it does not account for maturity or emotional readiness, and hence may not be a particularly reliable predictor of sexual enjoyment.

Relationship Organization

In the setting of a relationship, more positive, joyful sexual experiences tended to occur. The crucial factor, however, was not merely being in a relationship, but rather being in a positive connection that allowed for sexual self-expression, sexual agency, and the opportunity to engage in sexual communication, especially for women.

About the quiz

Parental Communication that is Positive

Positive parental communication about sex, sexual agency, and sexual self-awareness was an important component in encouraging the prospect of sexual pleasure. Open, embracing, sex-positive dialogues about sex with parents about safe sex and what sex may mean and include appeared to assist teens and young adults navigate their first sexual encounter and, as a result, enjoy sexual pleasure.

Time and place

The authors discovered a link between sexual enjoyment and having enough time to think about and prepare what sex would look like and what people want from their sexual experience (versus times when sex was described as being more spontaneous or unexpected). Unexpected sexual encounters were also less likely to involve foreplay and sexual conversation, both of which are associated with lower levels of pleasure and satisfaction.

Consent to Sexual Relations

Perhaps most importantly, the ability to consent to a first sexual encounter was important in sexual pleasure. Consent, on the other hand, was regarded as more complicated than merely saying yes to sex at the moment. The authors point out that permission entails having the time, space, and opportunity to carefully prepare and think through the type of sex we want to have, implying that consent begins with a deep awareness of our own sexuality before sharing that experience with a partner.

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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