Am I Proud Quiz – Personality Quizzes


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Pride is the condition of a heart that has become self-sufficient, self-inflated, and God-ignoring. It’s something we’re all prone to. But it is pride’s ubiquitous ability to hide from oneself that makes it so poisonous. This is why the Bible constantly encourages God’s people to live in a community with one another in order to reveal sin and receive mercy. However, we should be aware that there are seven characteristics shared by all proud people in their daily activity; this should prompt us to check our hearts and uncover the ever-hiding pride in our hearts.

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Opinions and fast judgments are frequently exchanged.
Self-righteous persons feel they have a “gift” of discernment that permits them to perceive brokenness and wrongdoing in others with pinpoint accuracy. As a result, they are prone to passing judgment and freely expressing their (often negative) opinion on others. They are often too consumed with seeking for sin to look for reasons to rejoice at God’s activity in others. Prideful people prefer to judge themselves based on their motivations while judging others based on their deeds.

Am I Proud Quiz

Are frequently concerned about the future.
Because they believe the falsehood that they are in charge, proud people are unduly preoccupied with the future. They mistakenly believe that the success or failure of their future is dependent on their ability to deliver. As a result, they wear anxiety like a straight jacket while living a constantly anxious life. Also, you must try to play this Am I Proud Quiz.

Are too concerned with what other people think of them.
People who are proud want others to think good of them so much that they bind themselves to other people’s opinions. When someone thinks well of them, it rubs off on them. When someone thinks negatively of them, it pierces to the heart. Prideful people spent their lives attempting to impress others in order to be perceived as knowledgeable, capable, and successful.

Are prone to being defensive and easily offended.
Prideful people are so self-confident that they reject criticism and become easily hurt when their sin is exposed. They don’t seek input from those around them because they are afraid of being exposed for their flaws. As a result, when others point out their flaws, they automatically presume that their perspective is defective at best and incorrect at worst.

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Feel dissatisfied or threatened by the achievement of others.
Prideful people celebrate when others fail and lament when others succeed. They secretly want that their peers fail in order for them to feel more superior. When others achieve, they do not rejoice with them; instead, they avoid and even scorn them. Prideful people enjoy winning and despise it when others do.

Spending more time talking than listening is a habit.
Prideful people enjoy discussing what they know, who they know, and why you should know what they know. They enjoy conversing. They enjoy using you as a platform to announce their vast wisdom and knowledge. Simultaneously, proud people do not listen well. After all, what’s the sense of listening if I’d rather hear from myself?

Don’t bother praying.
People who are arrogant do not pray since prayer, by definition, necessitates humility. As a result, people live their lives devoid of prayer, even in the most mundane of circumstances. They do not believe they require God’s grace throughout the day since they are self-sufficient. People who are self-assured do not pray.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Classic Rock Band Are You?.

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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