Am I Otherkin Quiz – Personality Quizzes


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Otherkin are those who identify as partially or completely inhuman. A dragon, a lion, a fox—you name it—there is surely someone out there who feels more like one of these creatures than a person. Otherkin fans can be found on Reddit, Tumblr, TV Tropes, and other internet forums.

Since 2012, the popularity of the otherkin phenomenon appears to have been slowly expanding, particularly on Tumblr. But what does it really mean to believe you’re not human? Is it true that people wake up one day and believe they are a fox, or is this merely a strange type of escapism? Is it fantasy or body dysmorphia?

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On Reddit, I spoke with John, a 19-year-old from Knoxville, Tennessee, known online as Noslavic. “I am a red fox-kin who was, as we call it, awakened approximately a year ago,” he said. He described the sensation of awakening as follows: “At the very least, it was relieving,” because “everything appeared to fall into place for me.”

Am I Otherkin Quiz

“I began having strange nightmares in which I would physically transform into a fox, and they were quite realistic—honestly. And after a while, it felt quite real in real life, as if I really did have a tail, ears, and paws. Also, you must try to play this Am I Otherkin Quiz.

“At first, it was one of those things that freaked me out, but after a time, I was like, ah… I’ll just play with my tail for a minute.” “I might just be at home,” John explains, “and all of a sudden, click, the fox side of me just kind of comes out for a moment, and then it just leaves.”

Sounds like an elaborate horror narrative, similar to Kafka’s Metamorphosis or Cronenberg’s The Fly, however, the sensation John had with his tail has been identified as possible and compared to phantom limb sensation by scientists.

While some otherkin identify as the animal, others identify with the animal spiritually. This is the situation for Ri Na Gach, an 18-year-old “lion” who prefers anonymity:

“I have a special bond with the lion. I believe I exhibit many of the same characteristics as the animal. In my day-to-day life, it’s primarily a secret, but the features I have with lions do benefit me. It wasn’t unusual in pagan faiths of the past to believe that humans would be reborn as animals, so the concept that I was a lion in a previous life isn’t as far-fetched as some might assume.”

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Fiona, for example “Feef, 34, from the United Kingdom, is not otherkin herself but frequently participates in otherkin forums: “I know some otherkin quite personally, and it’s extremely difficult to put into words, but you can sense there’s something different.” It’s not something concrete; it’s just a characteristic of them.”

Feef looked for a long time but never “awakened”: “I attempted a lot of the kinds of experiences people were talking about, including guided meditation, but I just didn’t get anywhere near,” she says. Instead, she identifies as a furry: The term “furry” is not well defined, although it is typically understood to be someone who enjoys fictitious anthropomorphic figures and dresses up in fur outfits.

“I first developed the character back in 1996 or ’97, and at the time I was just looking around for something fun, and I found this furry thing and was like, ‘Ooh, I like the sound of that!'” she says of her furry, a European shorthaired house cat.

Only roughly three of the 11 online otherkin I contacted maintained that they were openly otherkin in real life. Dragonkin Azurel expressed it thus way: “My dragon persona exists solely online. I consider myself to be completely human, but while I’m online, I try to stay as authentic as possible.”

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Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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