Who Is Homelander’s Dad? Who Is His Real Father?


In The Boys season 3, the ultra-violent and patriotic Soldier Boy, played by Jensen Ackles, is revealed as the “father” of Homelander, a significant twist.

The Backstory of Homelander In The Boys

Homelander, whose real name is John, is a prevalent character in the popular TV series The Boys. Played by Antony Starr, Homelander is the leader of The Seven, an elite team of superheroes backed by Vought International. Raised in a lab by doctors instead of a traditional family, Homelander’s upbringing was devoid of love and affection, contributing to his narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies.

The series takes place in a world where heroes are produced and controlled by Vought, a multi-billion dollar corporation. Homelander, who is essentially a darker version of Superman, is Vought’s most potent product. His origins have always been a point of interest in the series.

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Introducing Soldier Boy

In season 3, a significant character from the original comic series, Soldier Boy, makes his debut. Played by Jensen Ackles, Soldier Boy is the original superhero churned out by Vought during World War II. Venerated as a true American icon and war hero, Soldier Boy is legendary in the series’ universe.

In a significant twist, it’s revealed that Soldier Boy is an integral part of Homelander’s creation. Essentially, Soldier Boy is the template for all the superheroes that Vought produces, including Homelander, making him the “father” of Homelander in a certain sense. Though not his biological father, Soldier Boy’s DNA was the foundation for Homelander’s making — thus their connection.

The Impact on Homelander

The revelation that Homelander is created from the DNA of Soldier Boy could have significant implications on Homelander’s character arc in the series. It is reasonable to suspect that this knowledge might lead to the development of an identitarian crisis. It questions the authenticity of his superiority, potentially unbalancing the narcissistic personality he’s constructed. Given his past reactions when his self-created reality was challenged, an explosive confrontation is expected.

It’s also worth considering the impact this reveal will have on Soldier Boy’s character. Given he is the original template, he must grapple with the fact that his DNA has produced someone as sociopathically dangerous as Homelander.

Final Thoughts

The revelation of Soldier Boy as the “father” of Homelander adds another layer of complexity to The Boys series. The intricate dynamics between these characters will undoubtedly keep viewers riveted and offer juicy material for the showrunners to explore in the forthcoming season.

While not Homelander’s biological father, Soldier Boy’s DNA plays a crucial role in Homelander’s making, setting up exciting new story potential. As we await S3’s release, fans are eager to see how this revelation will impact Homelander’s sense of self and how it will affect his relationship with Soldier Boy. One thing is clear — things are about to get even more complicated in the world of The Boys.

Written By:

Shane Coleman

Meet Shane Coleman, a passionate journalist with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for the stories that shape our world. With years of experience in the field of journalism, Shane has made it his mission to provide readers with accurate, timely, and thought-provoking news articles that help them make sense of a rapidly changing world.
who is homelanders dad
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