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Which Tangled Character Are You? Tangled Quiz


Take this which Tangled character are you quiz to test which character are you. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

The king and queen long ago had a child daughter named Rapunzel who was magically healed by golden hair. The baby was abducted and nurtured by a selfish old woman named Gothel somewhere hidden in a tower.
In the meantime, a young thief called Flynn Rider had stolen from the castle of the King something extraordinary, and the ward was behind him. He saw suddenly the appropriate refuge—a tower and went up to it.

With a frying pan, Rapunzel knocked him unconscious. The knapsack he was carrying was then covertly hidden. Flynn Rider woke up, tied up to a chair with golden hair of Rapunzel.
She would come back with her satchel if Flynn took her to see the outer world. Flynn accepted to assist. But Mother Gothel and the guards chased them. Rapunzel and Flynn liked their excursion, but

Editor’s Picks

“Rapunzel,” a musical comedy full of action, swashbuckling and animated about the little girl behind her 70 feet magnificent golden hair, Walt Disney Pictures offers.

Which Tangled character are you

Now an imaginative and resolute adolescent, with the help of a bandit she takes off a funny and hairy getaway (voice of Zachary Levi). Rapunzel and her troop find adventure, heart, laughter, and hair… plenty of hair with the mystery of her royal patrimony on the balance and her catcher in the chase.

Rapunzel is a protected girl with her “mother,” Gothel, who lives in a solitary tower in the wood. Gothel says it is a frightening world out there since she is not permitted to go. What Rapunzel does not know is that Gothel has selfishly kept her prisoner, in order to use her mystical long hair, which holds Gothel young. Also, you will find out which Tangled character are you in this quiz.

When she was a newborn and has been with her since she kidnaped the princess of her parents. Also, Rapunzel obeys Gothel and endures a lonely life, with a constant friend only her animal chameleon. She dreams that every year on her birthday she will witness the floating lights. What Tangled character are you?

About the quiz

It’s nearing her eighteenth birthday and a man goes up to the tower for refuge. He’s Flynn Rider, the king’s guards’ pursue robbing a tiara. Rapunzel struck him in the head and concealed him. Furthermore, Gothel wants to show that she can care for herself, and she invites Gothel to see the lights. Also, he turns her down.

Deep in the jungle, an evil witch lived once, long ago. Also, Gothel, the wicked witch, possessed a miraculous flower, helping her mask her true age. The flora has amazing flowers for healing.

Now there was a kingdom not far from the forest. The Kingdom Queen had long awaited a child. But she had put her own life and her unborn child at risk because of certain unexpected circumstances. Now the troops spotted Gothel’s flower in her garden in a search for something that might save the Queen’s life and the unborn child.

The queen received the flowers and the queen recovered fast. And shortly, we welcomed a lovely baby princess. When the festivities wrapped up the kingdom, Gothel, the maleficent witch shouted at the stolen floral. But she soon learned that the king’s daughter had the same authority as the flowers. The princess’s hair was accurate. She knew also that the golden hair had gone black and lost power if the hair had been cut out.

For more personality quizzes check this: Does He Like Me Quiz.

Written By:

Tahlia McCarthy

Meet Tahlia McCarthy, a passionate writer and a devoted aficionado of all things animated. With a talent for crafting engaging questions that explore the enchanting world of cartoons, Tahlia has made it her mission to create immersive quiz experiences for cartoon enthusiasts around the globe. Born and raised in the diverse landscape of Australia, Tahlia's love for storytelling and animation has evolved into a dedicated pursuit of celebrating the magic of cartoons.
which tangled character are you
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