Which Romeo And Juliet Character Are You? Romeo And Juliet Quiz


Take this which Romeo and Juliet character are you quiz to test which character are you. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

Another riot breaks out in the streets of Verona among the servants of the rival Capulet and Montague noble houses. Benvolio, a Montague, is trying to stop the warfare but is confused as Tybalt is coming onto the scene, a rash Capulet. After citizens horrified by continuous violence have backed warlike factions, Prince Easter, ruler of Verona, is attempting, by decreeing the execution of anybody who breaks future peace, to avoid new conflicts between families.

Romeo, Montague’s son, enters his cousin Benvolio who saw Romeo mop in a sycamore wood earlier. After some Benvolio stroke, Romeo confides he is a woman who doesn’t return his loves in love with Rosaline. Benvolio advises him to forget this lady and find another, more attractive, but Romeo is still disappointed.

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Meanwhile, Juliet’s hand in marriage is sought by Paris, a Prince’s parents. Although thrilled at the match, her father, Capulet, requests Paris to wait two years, because Juliet is not 14 years old. Capulet sends a servant with a list of persons to invite him for a traditional masquerade and feast. In the hope that Paris would start to win the heart of Juliet, it invites Paris to the feast. Also, you will find out which Romeo and Juliet character are you in this quiz.

Which Romeo and Juliet character are you

The Capulet servant with the list of invitations, Romeo and Benvolio still debating Rosaline, will meet. Benvolio advises that they will come because Romeo can compare his beloved with other attractive Veronese women.

The play begins with two domestic employees from Capulet’s house speaking of Montagues’ animosity. They meet two servants from Montague’s house, and a battle erupts. But when Tybalt comes, things get worse. Benvolio tries to stop the fight. The fight grows until there is a big street brawl between Lord Montague and Lord Capulet, with his words, ‘As I hate hell, all Montagues and thee: Have at thee, cowardly!.’ The brawl is interrupted when the Prince stops everyone stating ‘Throw your mistemper’s weapons to the ground, on pain of torture.’ The conflict is finished.

He’s so enraged, he says, when there’s another Montague struggle and Capulet pays the “forfeit” for his life. Everyone leaves to discuss with Benvoro about their son, Romeo, who was missing the whole day, leaving Lord and Lady Montague. Benvolio offers to discover where Romeo was and what troubled him. Romeo says that he’s in love with Rosaline, but that in exchange, she doesn’t love her.

A play written by Shakespeare is Romeo and Juliet. The two major characters, Romeo and Juliet, should be sworn enemies, but fall in love. It’s a sad love story. They cannot be together because of their families’ constant quarrel, so they murder themselves because they can’t bear with being separated. The Shakespearean tragedy is Romeo and Juliet.

About the quiz

At a party in love Romeo and Juliet. But they’re from families that loathe one another. You’re convinced they won’t get married. However, they married in secret with the help of Friar Laurence. What Romeo and Juliet character are you?

The parents of Juliet advised her that she had to marry Paris. In the beginning, she refuses, but later she agrees, as she plots to falsify her death and leave forever with Romeo; with the help of Friar Laurence again.

Written about 1594–96 and first published in the illegal quarter in 1597, Romeo and Juliet, played with William Shakespeare. A significantly longer and more reliable quarter appeared in 1599. The editors of the First Folio of 1623 used a third quarter, based on the second quarter. The attractiveness of a young hero, whose families, the Montagues and the Capulets are relentless foes, has become the typical kind of lovers who are crossed over in popular imagination.

A long narrative poem written by the English poet Arthur Brooke, which based his poem on the French traduction of a tale by the Italian Matteo Bandelio, Shakespeare’s main source for this storyline was The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet (1562).

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Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
which romeo and juliet character are you
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