Which 13RW Character Are You?


Take this Which 13RW Character Are You quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.


Charlie wasn’t seen much in prior seasons, but he was a significant role in season four as the high school football team quarterback who was the polar opposite of what you’d expect. Tall, lanky, and queer, he made no apologies for who he was and seemed unconcerned about what others thought of him.

His bravery in coming out to his father and pursuing a relationship with Alex with such zeal makes him a character to both admire and admire.

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The most effective? Yes, in terms of engrossing characters. Without Bryce, there would be no story, and after season one, the subsequent seasons really took a chance to reveal different aspects of the high school jock and absolute jerk.

Even if his actions were not justified, viewers were able to see more layers of Bryce and his personal life, which helped explain why he developed the issues and attitudes he did and suggested that he should have sought treatment long before he acted out in the ways he did.

Which 13RW Character Are You?


Zack is one of those characters who viewers can’t help but root for. He could have his pick of girls as the tall, gorgeous jock, but he was far too timid and shy to begin a romance. He was great on the football field, but he was also different from the other males in that he actually valued women. Also, you must try to play this Which 13RW Character Are You quiz.

He won Hannah’s heart for a reason, and even though his character worsened in seasons 3 and 4, he remains one of the show’s favorites.


A smile capable of melting a thousand hearts. That’s how he’s been described. The truth about him was finally revealed after he was initially portrayed as a popular jock and jerk who was best friends with Bryce. He grew up in a damaged family with a drug addict for a mother, and he finally became addicted to drugs himself.

Despite this, he had the most compelling story of forgiveness and hope, which is why fans were so disappointed with how the story ended for him.

About the quiz

Jensen, Mr., and Mrs.

The parents are rarely among the main characters in a teen drama like this one. However, in this circumstance, an exception is warranted. They not only had their son Clay on the verge of insanity, but they also took in Justin, a difficult student at Clay’s school, and agreed to be his legal guardians.

They did everything they could to help both boys, including sending Clay to a therapist, Justin to rehab, obtaining both boys’ medical care, and getting active in school activities. Sure, they can be a little bossy at times. However, it’s difficult to imagine more perfect and devoted parents.


Tyler may have had the most influence on the most people. He was initially alone and lonely, and he was relentlessly tormented for being “different” and “strange.” He let his fury fester until something genuinely heinous happened and he couldn’t handle it any longer.

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But he also demonstrated that people can be saved and that individuals can actually make a difference in someone’s life by welcoming others and making them feel loved and trustworthy. If the character gives even one person the courage to approach others or one person the confidence to make friends with the misfits, he is the finest.

For more personality quizzes check this: How Dumb Are You?.

Written By:

Larry Flynn

Larry Flynn is a passionate writer and a devoted fan of television, known for his knack for crafting intriguing questions that test your knowledge, recall, and love for TV shows. Born and raised in the vibrant culture of Canada, Larry's fascination with storytelling and screenwriting has evolved into a dedicated pursuit of creating immersive quiz experiences for TV enthusiasts around the globe.
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