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What Shadowhunter Family Are You Quiz


Take this What Shadowhunter Family Are You Quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

I began with the Herondale family tree because it was the most difficult to construct. If you’ve read The Dark Artifices and are aware of Kit’s true Herondale identity, you’ll know that it throws a kink in the Herondale family tree. This is why I eventually decided (with a lot of support from my on-staff Shadowhunter expert Dev @ Read By Dev) to divide it into two trees: The Herondales and The Lost Herondales.

I’ve missed a lot of knowledge about these families because I haven’t read any of the latest short storybooks, and I learned A LOT while making them. Consider the story of William and Tobias Herondale. Will’s grandfather is William Herondale (senior), who had a brother named Tobias (Will’s great uncle). Tobias abandoned his station and fled after being tormented to the point of insanity by a warlock, which offense The Clave judged punishable by death despite the fact that he had been driven truly insane. The only issue was that Tobias wasn’t present for the punishment. Instead, it is his wife, Eva Blackthorn, who suffers and dies, but not before Catarina Loss saves their child.

Editor’s Picks

A significant family in the Shadowhunter universe, but luckily their lineage is rather straightforward. Benedict Lightwood (A.K.A Bestial Benedict, A.K.A Benedict Lightworm) is the lone highlight since his penchant for kinky sexy times with demons physically transforms him into a worm that eats his daughter’s spouse. Don’t you despise it when that happens? Also, you must try to play this What Shadowhunter Family Are You Quiz.

What Shadowhunter Family Are You Quiz

Another straightforward and simple family tree. But let us all take a time to enjoy how strange and disgusting Sebastian/Jonathan and the Seelie Queen’s procreation is. UGH.

The Blackthorn family was likewise divided into The Lost Blackthorns and normal Blackthorns, but their lost line isn’t as interesting as the Herondales. I really simply wanted to mention Annabel’s relationship with the family because she’s such an essential (kind of) character in The Dark Artifices.

The rest of the Blackthorn family tree is full of fascinating stories and connections. Tatiana was justifiably bitter and jaded after Rupert Blackthorn died at the hands of her kinky worm demon father, especially following the loss of her son Jesse. Jesse continues to exist as a ghost, which will be addressed in The Last Hours trilogy, so who knows what’s going on there. However, after her parents die, Tatiana adopts Grace Cartwright, and the two create havoc together, the amount of which remains to be discovered. After finishing The Bane Chronicles last month, it’s clear that Grace and James Herondale have A THING, but they end up with different individuals. I’m quite interested to see how that all plays out in The Last Hours.

About the quiz

Jem (previously Brother Zachariah) is one of the most important members of the Carstairs family tree, which is thankfully quite easy. Wilhelmina and her new adopted brother Kit are adorable. UGH. There are a lot of unanswered questions around Alastair, so I’m curious to see what happens to him in The Last Hours. Not to mention Cordelia and James, who will almost certainly end up together in some bizarre way. Children, fasten your seatbelts.

Another straightforward family tree. The Fairchilds kept things relatively low-key until Jocelyn arrived and threw everything off-kilter. But kudos to my girl Charlotte, who is a total badass!!

I nearly didn’t include the Starkweathers at all. I was about to walk right past them before I remembered Tessa’s connection to the Starkweather family line. Now I’m perplexed as to how I could have forgotten.

Adele was twinned with the unremarkable Elizabeth Moore at birth. While everyone believes Adele dies at the age of ten during her first marking ceremony, it is Elizabeth who dies, and Adele is actually living in the human world as a mundane. Adele/Elizabeth eventually marries a commoner named Richard Gray, and they adopt Elizabeth’s sister Harriet’s son Nathaniel. Then, masquerading as her husband, a demon lures Adele/Elizabeth into having Tessa Gray, our favorite warlock.

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Written By:

Larry Flynn

Larry Flynn is a passionate writer and a devoted fan of television, known for his knack for crafting intriguing questions that test your knowledge, recall, and love for TV shows. Born and raised in the vibrant culture of Canada, Larry's fascination with storytelling and screenwriting has evolved into a dedicated pursuit of creating immersive quiz experiences for TV enthusiasts around the globe.
what shadowhunter family are you quiz
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