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Life is Strange 2 is simply a lengthy, dreadful road trip. Sean and Daniel are forced to live on the road when their father is slain and they are blamed for his death. With limited options, the couple decides to travel from Seattle to their father’s previous hometown in Mexico. It’s a long journey. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Daniel, the younger brother, has a newly discovered skill that allows him to move items telekinetically as if he were a Force-wielding Jedi. Being wanted criminals and visible minorities while dealing with concealed superpowers is a dangerous combo. It leads to a slew of undesirable outcomes.
Life is Strange 2 is a narrative-driven adventure game in the Telltale mold, and it plays almost identically to its predecessor. The majority of your time is spent walking about small areas, obtaining information, and conversing with people. The decision-based framework is the source of the issue if you can call it that. The decisions you make, similar to those in a Choose Your Own Adventure novel, affect how other characters perceive you and, in some ways, how the story ultimately unfolds. These decisions can be minor, such as deciding to prepare coffee for your fellow campers, but they are frequently far more crucial. This can include determining whether to accept a friend’s sexual advances or telling Daniel to utilize his talents to rescue the brothers out of danger. Also, you must try to play this What Life Is Strange 2 Character Are You quiz.
What Life Is Strange 2 Character Are You?
Life is Strange 2 has lots of opportunities for these tense situations. Sean and Daniel are forced into a variety of situations in order to just survive. Without going into too much detail, this includes: hiding out in an abandoned cottage with almost no supplies, being harassed by a racist shop owner, working at an illegal marijuana farm, dealing with a cult-like religious group, learning about their estranged mother, and being confronted with a literal wall at the US / Mexico border. Sean even loses an eye at one point. Along the way, he must focus on keeping his younger brother safe while simultaneously directing them to their ultimate destination across the border. Things will always go wrong, but you can do your best to minimize the drama.
That’s not to suggest Life is Strange 2 isn’t full of difficult decisions and heartache. Yes, there is death and destruction, but the game, like its predecessor, is also full of peaceful, introspective moments. You can sometimes just sit and take in the scenery. You’ll frequently have the choice of having Sean, a budding artist, sketch his surroundings. There are nights spent drinking with friends around a campfire and lots of fooling around with Daniel, including a particularly memorable game of hide-and-seek at the climax of the story. The game has a great sense of balance, with just enough diversions to keep the drama from getting too intense. It’s potent without becoming tiring.
About the quiz
Life is Strange 2 was thrown in a difficult situation from the start. It’s the sequel to a game that was beloved in large part because of its major characters, Max and Chloe, but it recounted a completely different story with entirely new characters. (However, there are some intriguing parallels to both the original Life is Strange and last year’s solo prequel.) It also battled with significant intervals between the release of new episodes, which made it difficult to retain interest throughout the season. And it addresses real-world issues in a way that contradicts the notion that video games are best served as escapism.
Yes, it’s a story about a superpowered child, but the supernatural elements of Life Is Strange 2 are merely for show. What makes the game so good is how it puts you in circumstances that will make you cringe or squirm, scenarios that you might be lucky enough to avoid in real life — and then compels you to figure out what option you’d make in that capacity.
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