What Denomination Am I – Personality Quizzes


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One of the most common fallacies among the general public, particularly in the United States, is that evolution is supported by a primarily secular component of society while being viewed with suspicion by people of faith. This misperception is likely fuelled by survey data showing that, for example, 53 percent of both Protestants and Catholics in the United States believe that “science and religion are frequently in conflict,” with 41 percent citing evolution as an area of disagreement.

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Most Christians around the world, as evidenced by comments from their governing bodies (see below), consider biological evolution as totally compatible with their faith. The Catholic Church, the world’s largest Christian organization, easily supports this argument. Catholics (including Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox) account for around 1.2 billion of the estimated 2.2 billion Christians worldwide (Barrett et al. 2001, Adherents.com website). That equates to more than half of all Christians and nearly one-sixth of the world’s population. With the exception of the Galileo crisis and a few other famous incidents, the Catholic Church has a long history of recognizing scientific findings, particularly evolutionary biology, as revelations of how God’s world works.

What Denomination Am I?

However, because creationism (including intelligent design) is primarily a Protestant and American phenomenon (see Numbers 2006 and Curry 2009 for discussions of creationism in other parts of the world), we should look beyond the Catholic Church to determine the position of other Christian organizations on evolution. In the United States, Protestants outnumber Catholics (estimates range from 52–70 percent Protestant to 24–44 percent Catholic). Also, you must try to play this What Denomination Am I quiz.

Furthermore, despite their historical roots, some of today’s evangelical Christian groups believe that Catholics are rather problematic Christians for a variety of reasons (recall that differences between Protestants and Catholics run long and deep). Protestants are more divided on the topic of their faith’s compatibility with evolution (see below). To acquire the facts shown below, I searched for statements about church doctrine and evolution from some of the biggest Christian (Catholic and Protestant) groups in the United States, and in some cases, I made queries to their national offices (see also Martin 2010).

About the quiz

Religious freedom implies that all denominations are treated equally under the law. Nobody has a higher legal standing. That, of course, leads to the view that religious freedom is inextricably linked to the separation of church and state. There were various interpretations of the separation of religion and state throughout the American Revolution, but there was obviously a belief that there would not be an established church so that all denominations may enjoy freedom. The concept of denominations is central to the American religious experience.

Denominationalism holds that the true church of Jesus Christ can be found in a variety of organizations, therefore it is not necessary to proclaim, “If I am a Presbyterian and you are a Baptist, you are a member of a false church since it is not my church.” That was the traditional way of thinking. There were only true churches and false churches, with mine being the true and yours being false. But what happened in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries is the emergence of the notion that we can have dominions.

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Bi Quiz For Teens.

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
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