‘Standing Ovation’: Chef develops ingenious device to overcome mobility challenges


Peter Lammer, a chef who experienced a life-changing motorbike accident, has become an inspiring figure in the culinary world for reasons beyond his cooking skills. His remarkable journey of recovery led him to innovate in a way that is set to revolutionize the culinary industry, particularly for chefs with mobility challenges.

Lammer’s invention, aptly named ‘Standing Ovation’, emerged from his personal struggle with limited mobility following his accident. Determined to find a solution that would enable him to continue his passion for cooking, Lammer embarked on a mission that would not only aid his situation but also extend support to other chefs facing similar challenges.


The ‘Standing Ovation’ is ingeniously designed to offer essential support to the legs and trunk, enabling chefs to maintain an upright and mobile position while keeping their hands free for cooking. This revolutionary device significantly reduces the physical strain often experienced by chefs, particularly those with mobility limitations, and opens up a new realm of possibilities in professional cooking.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the ‘Standing Ovation’ is its adaptability. The system can be customized to meet individual requirements, making it an inclusive aid for chefs with various physical abilities. This feature underscores Lammer’s commitment to creating a tool that is accessible and beneficial to a wide range of users.

The anticipation for the widespread adoption of Lammer’s system is palpable within the culinary community and among cooking enthusiasts. It represents not just a technological advancement but a stride towards greater inclusivity and innovation in professional kitchens. With the introduction of the ‘Standing Ovation’, Peter Lammer has not only defied the odds in his personal journey but has also paved the way for a new era in the culinary world, where limitations are transformed into opportunities for creative and accessible cooking.


The Interview With Peter Lammer

What makes you laugh?

Peter Lammer: My four children aged 7, 16, 22 and 30 as much as paradoxical interventions.

What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?

Peter Lammer: A canyoning tour with my friend. I don't dare yet, because I'm afraid that screws or plates will burst in my body and I'll have to get another surgery again.

Which person has influenced you most? And why?

Peter Lammer: Dr. Klaus Bengesser: Honesty is often confused with harshness.

You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?

Peter Lammer: Every day, 100 people with impairment would have to receive their job and thus acknowledgment and joy of life back.

What is especially near and dear to you?

Peter Lammer: Honesty and justice though these are not always pleasant things.

I would like to be...

Peter Lammer: ... King of Germany.

Which question would you like answered the most?

Peter Lammer: Why do so many people avoid telling the truth in public?

What else I wanted to say...

Peter Lammer: To change things we have to allow ourselves to reach for the stars – sometimes they are not so far away!!!!!

Written By:

Shane Coleman

Meet Shane Coleman, a passionate journalist with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for the stories that shape our world. With years of experience in the field of journalism, Shane has made it his mission to provide readers with accurate, timely, and thought-provoking news articles that help them make sense of a rapidly changing world.
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