Port Authority Quiz – Which Character Are You?


Take this Port Authority quiz to find out which character from Port Authority you are. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

Roland Emmerich, “Stonewall,” the mistaken whitening of trans women and persons of color he did in 2015, was repeated to me by the Port Authority. In both films, a random white man from the Midwest or elsewhere introduces himself to a plot that is apparently highlighting oppressed persons, then the story is entirely about his waking up. Thank you for giving us an idea of the world of Wye (Leyna Bloom), a Black transwoman who falls for white male cis Paul Writer/Director Danielle Lessovitz (Fionn Whitehead). We can be a fantastic person and Bloom’s part is excellent, but the film focuses so heavily on Paul’s “illumination” that she is sometimes practically an after-thought. You can actually swap Wye for any minority and play the story arc the same.

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Films like “Green Book,” “The Best of Enemies” and many others assume that the only way to transmit their tolerance and acceptance themes is through a white person, ideally a heterosexual or a racist macho. For this documentary, it’s a homophobe who may or may not feed Black women with anger management problems. I think this whole narrative cliche insults white viewers as well as individuals like me, for it presumes that white people are too dang dumb to comprehend the meaning without a figure that looks like them holding their hands. Also, you must try to play this Port Authority quiz.

Port Authority quiz

This happens exactly here—a character sits on the floor and describes it. And, of course, the group should suffer in some way, preferably with the protagonist in its complete view. Your pain becomes the pat on the back of capital C change, the primary character. This style of the film goes back to the days of the studio’s system and the concept has long been over. The filmmakers continue to eat at the Table of Noble. And Magical Minority, 54 years after “Guess who’s coming to dinner.”

The 20-year-old Paul just left his half-sister Sara in Pittsburgh, assuming that he could live on his own in New York City. But with Sara’s learning, it did not appear that Paul would wind himself homeless. Of course, work seems criminal at the limit and certainly needs people to be prey to, but labor for Paul is a job.

It’s kind, friendly, make him feel loved, and typically only shows up as somebody for whom he wants to be better. But Wye is a trans woman, which makes them more complicated. It did not click for Wye despite meeting in LGBTQ+ spaces.

However, Wye’s love demonstrates that Paul has the sudden surprise with which Paul deals. Conduct a few struggles. The first and maybe largest thing is that Lee and his pals are homo-averse and quickly call people f****ts if they don’t suit their macho criteria. Paul also tries to comprehend how he fits in the world of Wye, as he lies about his own truth. All this is challenging when Wye begins to ask questions and wants to see more about the world of Paul, as she has contributed so much to his integration.

About the quiz

When adding fresh textures to the growing love connection of the two “Port Authority” plays strongest. Both give Paul room, a proto-family, but one is really healthy.

However, the second part is undermining ‘Port Authority.’ Lessovitz, like Paul, is a ball scene outsider and shows. She is struggling to focus and utterly sideline this Black queer subculture. Instead, she relegates them to the self-exploration methods of Paul. The movie is resolutely looking at a cis white man as we look at this stunning intruder endangering these weak Black folks. Paul is a liar, see. He is a liar. And the consequences of his deceit are unavoidable. These imminent consequences produce a predictable atmosphere in the second half of the relationship. The only questions are which kind of redemptive arc will be offered by Lessovitz when he overcomes his dynamic homosexual terror.

The climax of the fable is not entirely credible. It feels so unearned, especially, so clean. If the filmmaker did not have the fantastic performance of Whitehead and Bloom, the end would have been needed. Rather, the picture is simply like a deceptive bait and switch. “Port Authority” is not a love story driven by transgender. But another short-sighted film that used Black people to teach naive white aliens.

For more personality quizzes check this: Caveat Quiz.

Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
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