Pirates Of The Caribbean Quiz: Name The Characters


Do you have what it take to beat this Pirates Of The Caribbean quiz? Try to answer all the questions and beat 80% of the fans.

You may want to turn around if you can’t call this character and go back to the shore because it’s as simple as it gets to this issue. This specific pirate had one hell in the story and he arrives in Port Royal when we first see him secure a ship and a crew of pirates. He was the master of the series and is absolutely unforgettable. Don’t forget to name him the commander!

This young lady looked out into the water, and saw her as a girl bound for Port Royal, and saw a young boy stranded at sea. She didn’t know anything because at the time of her discovery she looked at her future husband. Also, this is probably one of the most engaging quizzes you will play today.

Editor’s Picks

Each crew needs a captain, with some great captains to choose from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Select the right commander to lead a high seas crew. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this quiz.

A pirate’s life is filled with adventurous adventure and innumerable risks. It seems that battle is unavoidable if a pirate flies in the face of commercial crews insisting on keeping the treasure in their holds or confronting him when robbing the shore of a city garrison. For this work pick the best weapon. Also, we will test your knowledge in this quiz.

Pirates Of The Caribbean quiz

The men of the squad head over to the dryland to retrieve the last piece of cursed gold. All they want to do is to be alive again. They’re not going to hesitate to find this last part to sail to a hidden spot. In particular, Captain Barbossa tasks two men to carry Elizabeth from her home to the Black Pearl, so they can finally leave the area.

You may want to learn something or two about the pirate code if you are going to deal with pirates because it might save your life when things are most bleak. This quiz will help you remember certain details.

The first film was created by a young blacksmith, Will Turner, who forges exquisite swords. Then, there is Jack Sparrow, who stole the show so much that his treacherous good fortune, madcap antiquities, and amazing adventures really are the rest of the series. Who’s the most beautiful person?

The high seas are a wonderful adventure, but every now and then you must make port for company and redevelopment. From Tortuga’s crowds to the fine city of Port Royal and from the judicial halls to the prosperous harbor of Singapore, a great deal of variety exists from the numerous port cities depicted in the films.

Her character has grown in all films and, while she was still ready to act, she always was a pirate. She’d also be married to the flying Dutchman’s captain. You must try to play this quiz.

Beat the other fans by scoring more than 80%?

He grew up and became a phenomenal blacksmith and improved his abilities with a sword. Throughout the series he reveals his readiness, even if it is a danger of losing himself, to do something to ensure the security of his life’s love.

The reputation of Jack Sparrow follows him from port to port, as do the various teams of angry individuals seeking revenge on him for various mistakes. Luck, experience, beauty, and improvisation come from him. How best to summarize his reputation?

Seas are full of curses, and sluggish ships cross the light tides. The series consists of two such covered vessels. But, if you are a fan it should be easy to answer the quiz questions.

This section was totally unpleasant when people first saw the film, and perhaps the most exciting moment of the entire franchise. Enable Disney to knock him out of the park and transform a Disneyland ride into a box office monster success.

What can you expect from this Pirates Of The Caribbean quiz?

Pirates are known for their slang and spoken phrases, but it is not possible for a few salty dogs to get words out of their mouths.

The guy, who is the father of Flying Dutchman’s future commander, would have a significant time in the two films that followed while you only heard his name in the first part of the franchise. Sadly for him, he spent much time working under one of the most hated captains of a pirate who ever lived and slowly he joined this notorious pirate. It’s coated in barnacle literally.

To take advantage of the chance to become a pirate’s crew captain is something that few people can successfully draw out, but he could take a mutiny against the former Black Pearl captain and take command.

Some pirates join Jack Sparrow’s crew who do not have a language and, as such, cannot speak. Fortunately, he could train a special animal to speak with him and he turns the animal into his own character.

Jack Sparrow is one of the best-known pirates in his country. He is, however, going ashore to be able to captain a pirate ship, using the rugged swagger.

For more trivia quizzes check this: Dexter quiz.

Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
pirates of the caribbean quiz
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