Of Mice And Men Quiz – Book Trivia Quizzes


Take this Of Mice And Men Quiz to find out how well you remember the book. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

George and Lennie, two migrant workers, were dropped off at a bus stop several miles from the California farm where they were scheduled to begin working. Small and black, George has “sharp, strong features.” His partner, Lennie, is the complete opposite—a behemoth with a “shapeless” visage. The two decide to set up camp for the night after becoming dehydrated and stopping in a clearing by a pool. Lennie, who has an intellectual impairment, is evidently very attached to George and is reliant on him for protection and advice as the two speak.

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George discovers that Lennie has been holding and massaging a dead mouse. Lennie enjoys touching soft things but frequently kills them unintentionally. In a fit of rage, George hurls it out the window, worried that Lennie would contract sickness from the dead animal. Although George complains aloud that Lennie would make his life simpler, the reader can tell that they are friends and that they care deeply for one another. He and Lennie both had the same aspiration of owning a piece of land and farming it while also raising bunnies, much to Lennie’s delight. Lennie is given the story that George frequently tells him about what life will be like in such a dreamy location as George concludes the evening. Also, you must try to play this Of Mice And Men quiz.

Of Mice And Men quiz

The men show up at the adjoining ranch the following day. George maintains that he will do all the talking out of concern for the boss’ reaction to Lennie. He tells a fib, saying they travel together because they are cousins and that Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid. They’re employed. They meet Curley, the boss’ obnoxious son, and Candy, an elderly “swamper,” or handyman, who has a lost hand and an old dog. This Of Mice And Men quiz will help you remember certain details.



a migrant laborer who is huge, lumbering, and infantile. Lennie has an intellectual impairment, therefore he totally depends on George, his travel buddy, and pal, for safety and direction. Lennie fervently believes in the two men’s shared goal of a farm that they will one day jointly control. Lennie is nice and gentle, but he doesn’t recognize his own power. His penchant for touching delicate items like small animals, clothing, and other people’s hair results in tragedy.


a lean, quick-witted man who travels with Lennie and provides for him. George is obviously dedicated to Lennie, despite repeatedly expressing how much better his life would be without having to take care of Lennie. George acts in this way because he wants to keep Lennie safe and eventually take them both to the farm of their dreams. Lennie’s innocent faith makes it possible for George to truly trust his depiction of their future, even if George is the source of the frequently told tale of life on their future farm.


Candy, an elderly ranch handyman, lost his hand in an accident and is concerned for his future there. He offers his entire life’s money if he can join George and Lennie in owning the land out of fear that his advanced age will render him useless. George describes the farm he and Lennie will enjoy. The fate of Candy’s elderly dog, whom Carlson purportedly shot in the back of the head out of mercy, portends Lennie’s demise.

Curley’s wife

Curley’s wife, the only female character in the narrative, is never given a name and is only alluded to in relation to her husband. She is referred to as a “tramp,” a “tart,” and a “looloo” by the men on the farm. She depicts the seduction of feminine sensuality in a world controlled by men, dressed in extravagant, feathered red shoes. Steinbeck portrays Curley’s wife as a victim rather than a monster. She shares the same intense loneliness and dashed hopes for a better life as the ranch laborers.

About the quiz

15 multiple-choice questions in the free Of Mice And Men quiz below will help you gauge your knowledge of the book. Determine which chapters, ideas, and writing techniques you already understand, as well as what you still need to learn in preparation for your forthcoming essay, midterm, or final test. Now take the free test!

For more trivia quizzes check this: The Mummy Quiz.

Written By:

Ortensio Toscani

Meet Ortensio Toscani, a passionate bibliophile and a literary quizmaster extraordinaire, known for his talent in crafting thought-provoking questions that delve deep into the world of books. Born and raised amidst the artistic and historical backdrop of Italy, Ortensio's love for literature and the written word has evolved into a dedicated mission to share the wonders of books with enthusiasts worldwide.
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